The Beauty of Anti-Social Mode


1960s Chick Magnet
Ever since the diseased maggot Eagle_Eye suggested that I spent my military service cleaning toilets in Georgia,
I have adopted what I call Anti-Social Mode on this forum.

Anti-Social Mode is the simultaneous use of both a prodigious thread ban list
a comprehensive ignore list
rather than my previous protocol of employing one or the other.

My forum protocols are not of particular interest to anybody, of course, but I offer this as a suggestion to others.

Anti-Social mode is a wonderful way to transform the forum into a platform for monologue
without the distractions of tiring, repetitive dialogue.

How many times can I tell the same, braindead mob of Reichnuts
that the values nearest and dearest to their rotted-out hearts
are pure pigshit not only to me
but to actually civilized people everywhere?

I'm just trying to help, so consider Anti-Social mode and decide for yourselves.
What a nice, peaceful Sunday!

It's Pentecost Sunday, or so I was told, but with my Anti-Social Mode in operation,
I don't have to read the pachys speaking in tongues.
We also have a thread called "the Idiocy of Anti-Social Mode,
started by TAG,
who should have thread-banned me from participating but didn't.

[Don't worry about offending me, TAG. I certainly don't worry about offending you.]

Anyway, I stand by my initial assertions.
Anti-Social Mode is a far more relaxing way to enjoy the forum.
I've thought of doing that.... just use the board to post my opinions and eschew all replies, but it would get so boring just talking to oneself.

I and probably most of the people on boards like this one, enjoy mixing it up with the other side.

The only people I have on ignore are the ones like Truth Detector who have never once posted anything worth reading or responding to.

My threadban list is only for trolls who, like TD, only look to spew mindless vomit, hurl insults or drag threads off topic and obfuscate topics with stupid gimmicks like responding to every comment with that "fallacy" crap.

Otherwise, I'm open to engaging in battles of wit and dogged perseverance with just about anyone.