The best non apology I seen in a while

foxnews has a problem that even when I agree with things they are saying or see them as funny, the person presenting it still comes off as a raging douchebag.
Its Redeye. Everything they do on that show is sarcastic, tongue-in-cheek, nonsense. I haven't seen it in a while, but its pretty funny.
That was fricking funny. Even if grind can't see past his programming to laugh at Brown...
Hey, this is a win-win! You're right, it was funny, Levy was right, Brown was a dick for bitch slappin Rhianna and Grind is right, Levy's a douche bag! This post is just full of win! :)
This from a guy incapable of capitalising. Save the bullshit about internet shorthand too. You are the only person on the forum using "internet shorthand" and it is slothfull.

what a whiner. and i'm not the only one who types this way and even if i was, seriously, why do you care? it is a freakin messageboard, not a college thesis, then again, you've never been to college so you wouldn't know. tom knows exactly why he got called out. it is because he calls out others for the same type of mistakes. perhaps if you weren't such a bitter asshole, you could see beyond your own hate. i made the post to MOCK him, like i do when you misspell a word, because you run around trying to "pwn" people by pointing out their spelling errors. you and tom are just whiny hypocrites who get very upset when your shit comes back and bites you in the ass.

what a whiner. and i'm not the only one who types this way and even if i was, seriously, why do you care? it is a freakin messageboard, not a college thesis, then again, you've never been to college so you wouldn't know. tom knows exactly why he got called out. it is because he calls out others for the same type of mistakes. perhaps if you weren't such a bitter asshole, you could see beyond your own hate. i made the post to MOCK him, like i do when you misspell a word, because you run around trying to "pwn" people by pointing out their spelling errors. you and tom are just whiny hypocrites who get very upset when your shit comes back and bites you in the ass.


Who else uses "internet shorthand", judgemental bitch?
Who else uses "internet shorthand", judgemental bitch?

lol...dunetard thinks i'm the only one on all the interwebs who uses short hand


what a laughingstock....

strange, i don't see the word forum. next.

and really dune, your obsession with groans and the way i choose to type on a messageboard is rather weird. seriously, why do you care how i type on a messageboard? don't you have better things to worry about?