Guno צְבִי
We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
oh no's baby jebus
The problem is that most US publishers print the Bible in China because of the high cost and complexity involved in printing a text with roughly 800,000 words. HarperCollins Christian Publishing, a leading Bible publisher, estimates that about three-quarters of its Bible manufacturing expenses are in China.
The company owns Thomas Nelson and Zondervan, which it said are the two largest Christian book and Bible publishers in the United States. HarperCollins said that the 25% China tariffs would "seriously and disproportionately damage our business and our customers." sources not available
The main obstacle is that Bibles are expensive to print. The high word count — 10 times that of an ordinary book — means that Bibles need to be printed on very thin paper, HarperCollins said. And that thin paper must be printed on special machines.
"Alternative sources for printing are not readily available in the United States or elsewhere," Schoenwald said.