The Big Bs Of Conservatism —— Buckley & Bozell


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Talking about taxes of any kind must begin and end with repealing the XVI Amendment. Please let me know if you ever hear an elected official in either party mention repeal.

Brent Bozell is today’s most informative conservative voice in this country. The topics he covers with Mark Levin in this video barely ripple the surface of Bozell’s fountain of political insights. Note what Bozell says about social media giants:

NOTE: FAANG is a great acronym:

Big Tech companies like Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google (known appropriately among civil libertarians as FAANG) largely control all meaningful modes of mass communication and are inclined to yield to thuggery by left-wing, anti-Christian and LGBTQ activists.

Incidentally, Mr. Bozell often rode shotgun for my conservative god —— William F. Buckley Jr.

Buckley's next book, "McCarthy and His Enemies," written with L. Brent Bozell, proved that normal people didn't have to wait for the Venona Papers to be declassified to see that the Democratic Party was collaborating with fascists. The book -- and the left's reaction thereto -- demonstrated that liberals could tolerate a communist sympathizer, but never a Joe McCarthy sympathizer.

Relevant to Republicans' predicament today, National Review did not endorse a candidate for president in 1956, correctly concluding that Dwight Eisenhower was not a conservative, however great a military leader he had been. In his defense, Ike never demanded that camps housing enemy detainees be closed down.

Nor would National Review endorse liberal Republican Richard Nixon, waiting until 1964 to enthusiastically support a candidate for president who had no hope of winning. Barry Goldwater, though given the right things to say -- often by Buckley or Bozell, who wrote Goldwater's "Conscience of a Conservative" -- was not particularly bright.

William F. Buckley: R.I.P., Enfant Terrible
By Ann Coulter
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Over the years I always found a gold nugget in the many articles I read and commented on by Mr. Bozell, yet he —— like every other trustworthy conservative voice —— never publically connects the XVI Amendment to the tax dollar funded media. I suspect that the folks who own the printing presses, the television transmitters, and FAANG will not allow it.

Limiting TV is easily done. Just eliminate the advertising tax deduction. Realistically, there is not a chance members of Congress will rape a government media:

100 senators run for election over 6 years —— 435 representatives run every two years. Winners AND LOSERS advertise. The amount television rakes in every six years is roughly one billion advertising dollars. That includes the money television gets from state and local elections. And they get it for doing nothing more than sell the filth in government. Had a majority of Americans purchased medicine as poisonous as the Clintons, and the Chicago sewer rat, the parasites in television would be the only ones still alive.

Incidentally, a substantial chunk of political advertising money is spent on presidential elections. In addition to political ads, ask yourself “Who the hell is paying for all of the political campaign bullshit filling up the air time in-between product advertising?”

Repealing the XVII Amendment will get rid of long-serving senators. There is zero chance U.S. Senators will cut their own economic throats. There is less than a zero chance the XVI Amendment will be repealed. The 16th paid for everything the parasite class did to this country.

Finally, William F. Buckley Jr. famously said:

I'd rather entrust the government of the United States to the first 400 people listed in the Boston telephone directory than to the faculty of Harvard University.

Speaking for myself, I would rather be governed 400 wayward children with learning disabilities than today’s swamp creatures.