APP - The biggest gaslighting attempt of all time


In the political age of Donald Trump, the ruling class with their cohorts in big tech and the media have gone to tremendous lengths to gaslight the American people. From nonexistent Russian Collusion, to Stormy Daniels, to Michael Cohen, to Bolton to Ukrainian impeachment. But, nothing has reached the level that we are experiencing now with the ruling class and the media trying to get us to believe that a doddering old fool who failed twice at becoming President beat Donald Trump.

These are all of the facts the media wants people to ignore

1) Donald Trump with 53% approval rating heading into the election lost to Beijing Buyden. Obama won re-election with 45% approval rating
2) With 56% of Americans saying they are better off today than they were in 2016 when Buyden was VP, yet they think Buyden won.
3) Beijing Buyden underperformed Crooked Hillary in EVERY metropolitan area EXCEPT Milwaukee, Philadelphia, Detroit and Atlanta
4) Trump earned 10 million more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016 and we are supposed to believe he lost. B. Hussein Obama got 5 million fewer votes in 2012 than 2008 and won
5) Buyden got crushed in Ohio and Florida the two most reliable bellwether states in the country
6) Trump increased his vote share with blacks, hispanics, jews and evangelicals and we are supposed to believe Buyden won?

Now what is the most fascinating thing of all is the with all of this you don't see anyone in the media reporting on the truly historical nature of Buyden's alleged victory. Why is that? Why aren't they reporting on the fact that he supposedly in the first "winner" in decades to lose Florida and Ohion and still win? Do you think they just don't want to call attention to the crimes?