The Biggest Racism Between 2 Groups in America


This is rather surprising, well for Liberals anyway. They always try and paint racism as being the fault and the majority coming from white rednecks, the truth is a different picture.

"Last year Pew, a pollster, found that one-third of blacks believe immigrants take jobs from Americans—more than any other group. Yet in some ways their views were benign. Blacks are less likely than whites or even Hispanics to believe that immigrants end up on welfare or commit crimes. Latinos, on the other hand, appear to make no such concessions. One survey of Durham, in North Carolina, found that 59% of Latinos believed few or almost no blacks were hard-working, and a similar proportion reckoned few or almost none could be trusted. Fewer than one in ten whites felt the same way.

Los Angeles tallied more than 400 racial hate crimes last year—the most, as a proportion of all hate crimes, for at least a decade (see chart). Blacks fared worst: they comprise just 9% of the population of Los Angeles County but were the victims of 59% of all race-hate crimes. Seven times out of ten, their persecutors were Latino. Hispanics, who make up almost half the population, were victimised by blacks eight-tenths of the time. These numbers greatly understate the violence. They do not, for example, include the victims of a dozen interracial prison riots last year, which left two dead. "
I don't know why it gave this thread the thumbs up icon, apologies I must have clicked it by accident, just in case anyone gets the wrong idea here, obviously the above is not a good thing.
This is rather surprising, well for Liberals anyway. They always try and paint racism as being the fault and the majority coming from white rednecks, the truth is a different picture.

"Last year Pew, a pollster, found that one-third of blacks believe immigrants take jobs from Americans—more than any other group. Yet in some ways their views were benign. Blacks are less likely than whites or even Hispanics to believe that immigrants end up on welfare or commit crimes. Latinos, on the other hand, appear to make no such concessions. One survey of Durham, in North Carolina, found that 59% of Latinos believed few or almost no blacks were hard-working, and a similar proportion reckoned few or almost none could be trusted. Fewer than one in ten whites felt the same way.

Los Angeles tallied more than 400 racial hate crimes last year—the most, as a proportion of all hate crimes, for at least a decade (see chart). Blacks fared worst: they comprise just 9% of the population of Los Angeles County but were the victims of 59% of all race-hate crimes. Seven times out of ten, their persecutors were Latino. Hispanics, who make up almost half the population, were victimised by blacks eight-tenths of the time. These numbers greatly understate the violence. They do not, for example, include the victims of a dozen interracial prison riots last year, which left two dead. "

Do you think that 1/3 of African Americans believe that immigrants take jobs away from Americans could possibly have something to do with the fact that, in many instances, it's African Americans immigrants take jobs away from?
This is rather surprising, well for Liberals anyway. They always try and paint racism as being the fault and the majority coming from white rednecks, the truth is a different picture.

"Last year Pew, a pollster, found that one-third of blacks believe immigrants take jobs from Americans—more than any other group. Yet in some ways their views were benign. Blacks are less likely than whites or even Hispanics to believe that immigrants end up on welfare or commit crimes. Latinos, on the other hand, appear to make no such concessions. One survey of Durham, in North Carolina, found that 59% of Latinos believed few or almost no blacks were hard-working, and a similar proportion reckoned few or almost none could be trusted. Fewer than one in ten whites felt the same way.

Los Angeles tallied more than 400 racial hate crimes last year—the most, as a proportion of all hate crimes, for at least a decade (see chart). Blacks fared worst: they comprise just 9% of the population of Los Angeles County but were the victims of 59% of all race-hate crimes. Seven times out of ten, their persecutors were Latino. Hispanics, who make up almost half the population, were victimised by blacks eight-tenths of the time. These numbers greatly understate the violence. They do not, for example, include the victims of a dozen interracial prison riots last year, which left two dead. "

Do you think that 1/3 of African Americans believe that immigrants take jobs away from Americans could possibly have something to do with the fact that, in many instances, it's African Americans immigrants take jobs away from?

Nope, look at Cali farms, they are full of illegal immigrants, have been for decades, blacks for whatever reason have no interest in those jobs, ditto for maids.

This may sound a little different, but I don't really see a job as something that can be taken, you don't own it and you were hired solely because of value you provide to a company. If the company chooses someone else than you move on and find another job. After all the amount of jobs are NOT static, they are dynamically created with more private investment and more private income, which things like lower taxes and lower regulations help to build.

I think this is a prime reason why racism is more pronounced in "tolerant" Liberal Europe. Their leftwing policies of more taxes, spending and regulation result in higher unemployment and thus more people viewing the more limited number of jobs as a battleground.
Mostly the groups of "white" Americans that hod done the jobs immigrants now do are too spoiled lazy to do them anymore. Kids around here used to do farm work will not do it now.

And yes there is friction between different minority groups.

I am not sure that southern CA is redneck haven, but there are plenty of rascist rednecks in the south and scattered many other places.

your post does nothing to say that southern rednecks are not by and large pretty rascist. You live in the south Dano ?