The Birth Certificate... They Found It!


Staff member
That was more of a webbway kind of thing than a Damo kind of thing ...

the downfall of the republican party must have been hard on you.
Who was it that posted another humor "certificate"? It is significant because the guy was a lefty and uscitizen spent zero time trashing him. Yeah, it really isn't hard to recognize the Hacktackularly Humorless Hacktables™ when somebody pulls their string and gets them spinning.

Yeah, found the thread, scanned it... nobody pulled the string to start the uscitizen action figure into whirlwind action mode...
Hmm just the administrators and myself on this thread.

I do seem to be good a ticking off those in power.
YOu know, they have all buzzed around you here. Even Beefy made an unusual appearance. Do you think Damo put the word out?

I am waiting for cawacko and SF to make an appearance.
Then the gang will all be here.

that is Damo in the middle.