The Black origins of the first Memorial Day that were almost erased from history


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Interesting at this fact of U.S. history has been suppressed for over 120 years, has finally come to the light of factual exposure at correcting a terrible wrong among racist pigs in history who tried to erase this important part of U.S. history forever that would rob everyone from knowing the full and unhindered facts of U.S. history. This atrocity in order to enhance and promote ignorance and a false sense of entitlement in society at also promoting some asinine idea that Americans of color accomplished nothing in terms of serving U.S. democracy honorably. Happy Memorial Day and to the honor of these Americans of color in history whose service has finally been exposed:

Newly-freed African Americans who fought in the Civil War decorated soldiers' graves on the first cited Memorial Day on May 1, 1865.
More than 10,000 formerly enslaved people and white missionaries held a parade at a race track in Charleston, South Carolina.
Memorial Day became a national holiday in 1889. "
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