The Boundaries of Whiteness Are Protected With Blood and Bullets

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
The desire to uphold white rule has always been a potent force in American politics. And since the era of eugenics ushered in a fanatical obsession with breeding, that goal has been aided by rhetoric that inflames fears of the extinction of whiteness. From the anti-immigration statutes of the 1920s to anti-miscegenation laws to Trump’s Muslim ban, racists have sought to protect the boundaries of white racial purity. It’s a boundary often drawn in blood and bullets.

The same anti-immigrant paranoia—and the conviction that there exists a plot against whiteness, seeking to destroy it through immigration—has motivated three mass shootings in the United States. In October 2018, a young man named Robert Bowers murdered 11 Jews in a Pittsburgh synagogue; his social media posts revealed he was punishing Jews for, as he saw it, inducing the death of whiteness by orchestrating immigration. Six weeks later, John Earnest, 19, murdered a woman and wounded several more people at a synagogue in Poway, California, leaving a manifesto that blamed Jews for “funding politicians and organizations who use mass immigration to displace the European race.”