The brief rise and lengthy fall of Sarah Palin


I love the line about her cheery aphorisms studded with malapropisms. :D The entire article can be read at the link.

"Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin (R) is on the national political scene again, using the English language and leveling charges against Obama in ways that really only she can.

In the last week, we've seen Palin employ a most unusually arranged assortment of words to endorse GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump, then wrestle with a sensitive family matter that most people would prefer never to face -- or at least do so in private. But a domestic violence arrest -- for Palin's son, Track -- is not private. It is, in fact a matter of public record. And, what Palin had to say about it certainly made a claim for privacy almost non-applicable. Palin suggested her son is suffering with PTSD and that the incident of alleged abuse is, in some way, Obama's fault.

It has, in that way, been a week of classic Palin: Big speeches about dark things and fears, delivered in the form of cheery aphorisms studded with malapropisms, and a public relations-driven effort to try to move past or distract from a family crisis.

It almost feels like 2008 again, when debating and discussing Sarah Palin, what she represents and what she means (philosophically and literally) was still fresh and new and people across the political spectrum seemed convinced that Palin was a figure poised to upend the established political order...

Newsweek confidently proclaimed that Palin's candidacy seemed to be changing what had long been assumed about the way that voters respond to female candidates...

And it seemed that many women tied more closely to the political left either saw some things in her to admire or felt certain that the media had been unfairly hard on Palin. But by the next month, there were signs that something Palin was doing or saying was no longer working with many women. We are all aware of exactly how that election turned out. But, this detail matters: In the end, the all male Obama-Biden ticket beat out the McCain-Palin ticket when it came to women's votes...

Palin then seemed to embark on an extended consolation tour that included resigning from the office of Alaska governor, engaging in various efforts to endorse, support and generally pump up the prospects of 2010 tea party candidates and becoming a regular on Fox News. And, Palin pretty reliably said things that were, well, Palin-like in nature. People started to talk and write about what was beginning to look like the end of a once-promising national political figure. Palin, it seemed, was Palin's biggest problem...

In July 2014, Sarah Palin took to calling for Obama's impeachment for, as she put it, "years of abuse" culminating in a crisis at what she described as an unsecured southern border. And, because she is Palin, her language got a lot more colorful than that. "His unsecured border crisis is the last straw that makes the battered wife say, 'No mas.'" That's what Palin wrote in a piece for Breitbart that month. Then, an NBC-Wall Street Journal-Annenberg poll found that a full 54 percent of voters described themselves as maxed out on Palin and her opinions on political issues. More specifically, they told researchers they had "heard enough from Palin and would prefer that she be less outspoken in political debates."

And these are, of course, just a few moments in Sarah Palin history. Now that she's back, expect the speculation about where her political talents and unusual speaking patterns can take her to resume once again."
Her cheerleader / word salad style is phenomenally funny to watch.
Her profound and eagerly displayed stupidity is an embarrassment to all republicons.
We want more!