The British supported the confederacy and slavery bc they wanted cheap cotton


Tom to this day regrets the end of slavery and the confederacy because he regrets the lack of cheap cotton for the late British empire, which he thoroughly supports.

BTW, people born under your sovereignty / people with citizenship = a nations democratic deficit. Britain was not a democracy because hundreds of millions of non citizens with no day were born under its sovereignity, it did the typical liberal game of abusing a nation's arbitrary right over granting citizenship to ensure that only a selective few would ever count and tried to use that to ensure that it read still considered democratic. The Israelis do the same thing today, like half the people under its sovereignity are subject people without any say, yet it's a 9/10 democracy according to stupid democracy indexes. The lack of Puerto Ricans right to vote, is a serious democratic deficit in the United States. And also THE SLAVES SHOULD VERY WELL FUCKING COUNT, the south was not a democracy, it was an elite supremacist dictatorship like imperial Britain and modern Israel.