The browning of the United States of America

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
The fear that white people might become the new minority group in the United States triggers a negative reaction to increasing diversity. Perhaps that fear influenced the implementation of an inhumane response to the influx of migrants through the Southern border, including the deportation of migrant children during these pandemic times.

The vilification of migrant workers is unfortunate because they have never been the majority in any industry or job and receive much lower earnings than white people. In fact, in the United States, economic success is more likely if you are white.

The browning of the United States is not a threat. It is the path to making this nation a more perfect union.
The fear that white people might become the new minority group in the United States triggers a negative reaction to increasing diversity. Perhaps that fear influenced the implementation of an inhumane response to the influx of migrants through the Southern border, including the deportation of migrant children during these pandemic times.

The vilification of migrant workers is unfortunate because they have never been the majority in any industry or job and receive much lower earnings than white people. In fact, in the United States, economic success is more likely if you are white.

The browning of the United States is not a threat. It is the path to making this nation a more perfect union.

ROTFLMAO!!! I about heaved a lung at the first sentence of the article. That is so true!
The fear that white people might become the new minority group in the United States triggers a negative reaction to increasing diversity. Perhaps that fear influenced the implementation of an inhumane response to the influx of migrants through the Southern border, including the deportation of migrant children during these pandemic times.

The vilification of migrant workers is unfortunate because they have never been the majority in any industry or job and receive much lower earnings than white people. In fact, in the United States, economic success is more likely if you are white.

The browning of the United States is not a threat. It is the path to making this nation a more perfect union.

in 2 generations hispanics will identify as white. just like the irish and italians did.

it's already happening:

Hispanics are often described as driving up the nonwhite share of the population. But a new study of census forms finds that more Hispanics are identifying as white.

An estimated net 1.2 million Americans of the 35 million Americans identified in 2000 as of “Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin,” as the census form puts it, changed their race from “some other race” to “white” between the 2000 and 2010 censuses, according to research presented at an annual meeting of the Population Association of America and reported by Pew Research.

The data provide new evidence consistent with the theory that Hispanics may assimilate as white Americans, like the Italians or Irish, who were not universally considered to be white. It is particularly significant that the shift toward white identification withstood a decade of debate over immigration and the country’s exploding Hispanic population, which might have been expected to inculcate or reinforce a sense of Hispanic identity, or draw attention to divisions that remain between Hispanics and non-Hispanic white Americans. Research suggests that Hispanics who have experienced discrimination are less likely to identify as white.

The data also call into question whether America is destined to become a so-called minority-majority nation, where whites represent a minority of the nation’s population. Those projections assume that Hispanics aren’t white, but if Hispanics ultimately identify as white Americans, then whites will remain the majority for the foreseeable future.

but you are just trolling in any case. this is literally all you talk about and no one actually gives a shit
The study says that although recent immigrants identify as Hispanic at a rate of almost 90 percent, this number drops to around 50 percent after the fourth generation. Currently, 11 percent of adults with Hispanic ancestry do not identify as such, the report stated, and 23 percent of Hispanics most often refer to themselves as “American.” The implication of these findings, say the researchers, is that despite projections that Latinos will be 24 percent of the U.S. population by 2065, these trends in self-identification may affect the way we view the influence and impact of Hispanic identity in the future, as well as the notion of a future majority-minority United States.
ROTFLMAO!!! I about heaved a lung at the first sentence of the article. That is so true!

Maybe Ghoulo might want to explain why Asian countries almost invariably have light skinned people in adverts, soaps, game shows etc. This is true in India, Malaysia, China, Thailand, Vietnam and probably the Phillippines as well. There was a best selling toothpaste in Asia called Darkie which changed its name to Darlie, which deliberate or not still means black person in Mandarin.

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in 2 generations hispanics will identify as white. just like the irish and italians did.

it's already happening:

but you are just trolling in any case. this is literally all you talk about and no one actually gives a shit

In other words they are assimilating? Right?

Another point is the article wasn’t about identifying as white. Hell Skidmark identifies as a female but we all know he’s not. The fact is our populations phenotype is getting more brown.

Which means exactly squat culturally as long as they are assimilating, right?
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So brown people will adopt whiteys culture when that are the majority:palm: that's wishful thinking

World population: Quarter of Earth will be African in 2050

More than half of the gains by 2050 will come from Africa, according to the report. The continent will add 1.3 billion people over the next few decades—roughly equivalent to the current population of China.

By 2050, 1 in 4 people on Earth will be African, and the report expects Africa to be the only region that will continue to grow after 2050.

But Africa will not be the only one growing. Asia will contribute 900 million new people in that timeframe as well, and South and Central America will contribute a smaller share.

The fear that white people might become the new minority group in the United States triggers a negative reaction to increasing diversity. Perhaps that fear influenced the implementation of an inhumane response to the influx of migrants through the Southern border, including the deportation of migrant children during these pandemic times.

The vilification of migrant workers is unfortunate because they have never been the majority in any industry or job and receive much lower earnings than white people. In fact, in the United States, economic success is more likely if you are white.

The browning of the United States is not a threat. It is the path to making this nation a more perfect union.

If you come to this country illegally you are not a citizen. Sorry, I am a leftist and do not tolerate people who break the law.
In other words they are assimilating? Right?

Another point is the article wasn’t about identifying as white. Hell Skidmark identifies as a female but we all know he’s not. The fact is our populations phenotype is getting more brown.

Which means exactly squat culturally as long as they are assimilating, right?

Take California. I believe our state doesn't have a racial majority and I could be wrong but I thought Hispanics make up the largest group in the state. But let's be real. There's a fair number of them aren't here legally and many of them (legally) are recent immigrants and are sitting at or near the bottom of the economic food chain. I don't think whitey's living comfortably in their suburbs where starter homes cost $1m+ are shaking in their boots. I don't think they're worried about recent immigrants joining their country club or sitting next to them at the opera and their high society party's. In fact, they probably love it because it provides a cheap source of labor to clean their homes, fix their yards, work at their clubs etc.

And if you really want to be woke, the term assimilation is a racial microaggression and you shouldn't use it. So it's definitely possible to say fvck white culture and fvck American culture if you live here. Generally speaking if your goal is to be economically successful in this country that's probably not the optimal route to take. However there are plenty of guno's in this country who say fvck American culture.
Take California. I believe our state doesn't have a racial majority and I could be wrong but I thought Hispanics make up the largest group in the state. But let's be real. There's a fair number of them aren't here legally and many of them (legally) are recent immigrants and are sitting at or near the bottom of the economic food chain. I don't think whitey's living comfortably in their suburbs where starter homes cost $1m+ are shaking in their boots. I don't think they're worried about recent immigrants joining their country club or sitting next to them at the opera and their high society party's. In fact, they probably love it because it provides a cheap source of labor to clean their homes, fix their yards, work at their clubs etc.

And if you really want to be woke, the term assimilation is a racial microaggression and you shouldn't use it. So it's definitely possible to say fvck white culture and fvck American culture if you live here. Generally speaking if your goal is to be economically successful in this country that's probably not the optimal route to take. However there are plenty of guno's in this country who say fvck American culture.

It’s always more complicated than that having gone through my wife’s assimilation here. There are sacrifices you make like losing the extended kinship relationships that many immigrants had in there own country but aren’t really prevalent here. A sacrifice made to gain a higher economic standard of living. For many immigrants the sacrifice isn’t worth it so they return home. My parents in law were far better off financially when they were living here in the US but after a year they went back home and are happy they did. For a lot of immigrants America ain’t all it’s cracked up to be.
The fear that white people might become the new minority group in the United States triggers a negative reaction to increasing diversity. Perhaps that fear influenced the implementation of an inhumane response to the influx of migrants through the Southern border, including the deportation of migrant children during these pandemic times.

The vilification of migrant workers is unfortunate because they have never been the majority in any industry or job and receive much lower earnings than white people. In fact, in the United States, economic success is more likely if you are white.

The browning of the United States is not a threat. It is the path to making this nation a more perfect union.

Trump rubes will disagree,they look at Trump as the last great white hope to keep America a white dominated culture.
In other words they are assimilating? Right?

Another point is the article wasn’t about identifying as white. Hell Skidmark identifies as a female but we all know he’s not. The fact is our populations phenotype is getting more brown.

Which means exactly squat culturally as long as they are assimilating, right?

Only the white ones are assimilating. The Mestizos still see themselves as outsiders.