The Buffoon Fails Again! Bush's Latest "tactic" Awash in Blood After Only 2 Months.


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The Buffoon Fails Again! Bush's Latest "tactic" Awash in Blood After Only 2 Months.

Looks like Bush's tactics or is it "Strategery" or whatever he is now calling it, is now simply not working and the idea that you can "clear and hold" where "clear" means American forces to secure the are and turning it over to the Iraqis to "hold" is becoming even more fanciful than the original "cakewalk" theory of war planning. Looks like the party with all the "ideas" better come up with a few if they expect to be fighting this war for another two years or as Bush says, "it will be up to the next President, whether to leave or stay in Iraq." Apparently he has no intention whatsoever of leaving that country in any semblence of order.

Here's the jist of a New York Times Story on Bush's latest "tactic" to turn the Iraqi "quagmire" into the "cakewalk he promised.

After spending billions on building up Iraqi forces, and making withdrawal contingent on that buildup, the Americans have discovered that many of the Iraqi security forces are still not ready to handle security on their own. Throughout much of the city many Iraqis do not trust their own police forces.

The American military operation to reduce the sectarian killings in Baghdad and avert a full-fledged civil war has focused on about a dozen neighborhoods where the bodies of tortured victims have been found in sewage-filled lots, civilians have been killed in drive-by shootings and sectarian-inspired kidnappings have soared.

The strategy is to use American and Iraqi forces to clear neighborhoods of violent militias, insurgent groups and arms caches, then hold them with security forces so that essential services can be restored and reconstruction can eventually begin. Two months into the operation, it is the "hold" phase that has run into trouble, partly because it depends on the Iraqi security forces to win the trust of the population and establish the rule of law.

Full Disastrous Story
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