The case against Israel has just collapsed


Well-known member

Yet we continue to listen to the lies of the jihadists.

The case against Israel has just collapsed​

By rights, this should be the moment that the humanitarian case against Israel’s campaign in Gaza goes into terminal collapse. From now on, there can be no equivocation. Those who persist in opposing the war based on the number of civilian casualties are either ignorant or arguing in bad faith. Or both.

Earlier this month, the United Nations halved its assessment of the numbers of women and children killed in Gaza. Then: 9,500 women and 14,500 children dead. Now: 4,959 women and 7,797 children. In a further seven months’ time, perhaps another few thousand will be resurrected.

With war raging, this kind of detailed work is impossible. Yet for months, the UN has trusted figures produced by the same savages who butchered poor Shani Louk and drank chilled water from an Israeli fridge while watching a dying young boy comforting his little brother who was missing an eye. At long last, it has taken a first step towards sanity. But it continues to rely on figures from Hamas as a touch-point.

Do those sanctimonious UN officials not realise how ridiculous they look? Have they forgotten how war works? Two decades after our invasion of Iraq, death tolls remain intensely disputed, ranging enormously from 100,000 to 600,000. Yet we’re expected to believe that Hamas, as it squats underground with its Jewish sex slaves, has the professionalism to provide statistics within hours, reliable to the single digit.

Statisticians have debunked the data. Yet the narrative remains unchanged, even by President Biden. Clearly, the sheer volume of the footage of suffering civilians – all projected by Hamas, which censors pictures of dead or wounded combatants – has caused us to lose our minds. When we fought in Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq, nobody debated civilian casualties. Yet when it comes to Israel, it’s all anybody talks about. We are being played.

This is why Gazan civilians are barred from the safety of the tunnels, even though the whole population would fit inside them. This is why they do not have a single air raid shelter. Hamas’s leaders have been doing their best to get their people killed on camera, then fabricated the figures. They have been doing so to brainwash the international media, political leaders, celebrities and the protesters on our streets, to believe the lie of Israeli “genocide”. They want Jerusalem to be pressured to stop the war, leaving them to plot the next act of savagery.

Those of sound judgment must insist that the emperor has no clothes. The Jewish state is estimated to be killing proportionately fewer civilians than any other democracy in the history of warfare. To argue otherwise is simply wrong. Now let’s talk about destroying jihadism.

The Gazans were told to move to the safety of Rafa, and now they are attacking there. I can see what the plan is. Gaza is now Israel. There are Israelies talking about how they can live by the water in Gaza now that it belongs to Bibi Corp.
Read the provided article; HAMAS denies them cover, steals their aid, and tried to get them killed on camera to fundraising from left idiot anti-Semites worldwide.

Same islamist jihadist savagery since Yasser Arafat; no change.
Nothing new there. Remember when the British medical publication (with a definite Leftist slant) The Lancet came out with supposed studies that showed a million Iraqis had died during the invasion of Iraq by the US? They were later forced to resend the article and apologize for publishing complete rubbish, ruining their reputation in the process.

That's what happens when Leftist politics takes precedence over observable facts and taking highly questionable data at face value.
The Gazans were told to move to the safety of Rafa, and now they are attacking there. I can see what the plan is. Gaza is now Israel. There are Israelies talking about how they can live by the water in Gaza now that it belongs to Bibi Corp.
Fine by me. Better that than another war between Israel and Gaza. I want a winner. I want this warfare to end permanently. If that's what it takes, sobeit!
The case against Israel grows stronger ever day. That's why prosemitic morons such as Crockmeister attempt to undermine the statistics with hasbara-concocted swill. Zionism has committed seppuku on the world stage. Israel will never be forgiven. For its emulation of Nazism, Israel has forfeited the moral right to exist.
What is the punishment for murdering 17,000 children ?
The Gazans were told to move to the safety of Rafa, and now they are attacking there. I can see what the plan is. Gaza is now Israel. There are Israelies talking about how they can live by the water in Gaza now that it belongs to Bibi Corp.
The cowardly Hamas terrorist moved to Rafa to hide behind women and children. Now the Palestinian civilians need to move again to get out of harms way. Israel has to kill Hamas where they are. This is Hamas fault not Israel's. Gaza has always belonged to Israel after they won it in War from Egypt. When Israel made peace with Egypt the Egyptians did not want Gaza back because they did not want to deal with the Palestinians. . And Israel also let the Palestinians run the place. We can see how well that turned out.
UN figures have been corrected. Crockmeister is a clown
Almost 36,000 dead- 17,000 kids.

Nobody gets away with killing 17,000 kids, not even Uncle Slam.
UN figures have been corrected. Crockmeister is a clown
Almost 36,000 dead- 17,000 kids.

Nobody gets away with killing 17,000 kids, not even Uncle Slam.
Nobody has killed 17,000 kids it is just another Hamas lie much like the 500 people Hamas said Israel killed at the Gaza hospital when it was around 50 killed by a Palestinian rocket that landed in the parking lot.
Not only have the genocidal Jews killed 17,000 children- and 19,000 others, mainly women- but there are an estimated 10,000 more murder victims buried under the rubble of American bombs.

Yet we continue to listen to the lies of the jihadists.

The case against Israel has just collapsed​

By rights, this should be the moment that the humanitarian case against Israel’s campaign in Gaza goes into terminal collapse. From now on, there can be no equivocation. Those who persist in opposing the war based on the number of civilian casualties are either ignorant or arguing in bad faith. Or both.

Earlier this month, the United Nations halved its assessment of the numbers of women and children killed in Gaza. Then: 9,500 women and 14,500 children dead. Now: 4,959 women and 7,797 children. In a further seven months’ time, perhaps another few thousand will be resurrected.

With war raging, this kind of detailed work is impossible. Yet for months, the UN has trusted figures produced by the same savages who butchered poor Shani Louk and drank chilled water from an Israeli fridge while watching a dying young boy comforting his little brother who was missing an eye. At long last, it has taken a first step towards sanity. But it continues to rely on figures from Hamas as a touch-point.

Do those sanctimonious UN officials not realise how ridiculous they look? Have they forgotten how war works? Two decades after our invasion of Iraq, death tolls remain intensely disputed, ranging enormously from 100,000 to 600,000. Yet we’re expected to believe that Hamas, as it squats underground with its Jewish sex slaves, has the professionalism to provide statistics within hours, reliable to the single digit.

Statisticians have debunked the data. Yet the narrative remains unchanged, even by President Biden. Clearly, the sheer volume of the footage of suffering civilians – all projected by Hamas, which censors pictures of dead or wounded combatants – has caused us to lose our minds. When we fought in Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq, nobody debated civilian casualties. Yet when it comes to Israel, it’s all anybody talks about. We are being played.

This is why Gazan civilians are barred from the safety of the tunnels, even though the whole population would fit inside them. This is why they do not have a single air raid shelter. Hamas’s leaders have been doing their best to get their people killed on camera, then fabricated the figures. They have been doing so to brainwash the international media, political leaders, celebrities and the protesters on our streets, to believe the lie of Israeli “genocide”. They want Jerusalem to be pressured to stop the war, leaving them to plot the next act of savagery.

Those of sound judgment must insist that the emperor has no clothes. The Jewish state is estimated to be killing proportionately fewer civilians than any other democracy in the history of warfare. To argue otherwise is simply wrong. Now let’s talk about destroying jihadism.

No one bomb shelter has ever built by Hamas even though they are perfectly capable of building over 300 miles of tunnels.
Naughty Jews are going to jail.

Outside of the US and UK war crimes are frowned upon.

