‘The CCP is a criminal organization and it needs to be treated as such’: Rep. Perry o


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‘The CCP is a criminal organization and it needs to be treated as such’: Rep. Perry on China threat


China in Focus – NTD

In this special episode, we hear from Rep. #ScottPerry (R-Pa.) and former Deputy National Security Adviser of the United States #KTMcFarland. Perry said, “The Chinese market is huge, and everybody wants the cash associated with the Chinese market. Sooner or later, we’re going to have to deal with China and their market. And it’s not the Chinese people that we take issue with. It is the communists, the ruling party in China.” And as to ways to counter that, KT McFarland said, “The only way we solve this is a national policy, to say American corporations are not going to invest in Chinese companies that are endangering American national security. American companies cannot, maybe, sell things to Chinese [companies]. We need to have a national policy so that it’s a level playing field for all American companies.”
What Makes Taiwan an ‘Unsinkable Shield’ That the US Can’t Afford to Have Fall to China?


The Wide Angle
Brendon Fallon

U.S. Army General Douglas MacArthur called Taiwan the “unsinkable aircraft carrier.” He was referring to its value as a strategic asset in communism-containment during the Cold War. Generations later, Taiwan faces arguably heightened risk of communist invasion: Will China, spurred on by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, make a similar move on Taiwan?

What should Taiwan be doing to better defend itself? And what should the world be doing to prevent this strategic asset from falling into Chinese communist hands?