So Nancy Pelosi is telling Democrats to stay in the center. She’s quite a few decades too late. Oldtimers will have a hard time remembering when her party was anywhere near the middle of the political road.
Pelosi Warns Democrats To Stay In Center, But Leftward Drift Has Picked Up Momentum
May 6, 2019
By The Editors
May 6, 2019
By The Editors
Let me dispel the myth about the center:
Totalitarian government is one extreme. Anarchy is the other extreme. Limited government is the permanent center; it never moves.
LBJ began changing the definition of the center to encompass his welfare state. Jimmy Carter moved the center further Left. Ronald Reagan inherited Carter’s center.
RR partially succeeded in governing from the permanent center. It is too soon to know if Trump is governing from a limited government center.
Even if Diarrhea Mouth does move the Democrat Party to her Silly Putty center during the campaign season the eventual nominee will govern from the center he inherited from Obama.
NOTE: To this day Bill Clinton is said to be brilliant because he moved to the center. That nonsense is another Clinton lie enforced by his surrogates. He not only governed from the Left from the day he was sworn in he created a center that was further Left than the one he inherited.
The fact is that every Democrat Administration redefines the center. Every welfare state policy that becomes law (settled law) the newly adjusted center is immediately imposed on everybody. Nothing is ever repealed. That is why no Republican Administrations can bring the country back to the years before the most recent Democrat Administration’s center let alone move the center back to the pre-LBJ center.
Short of violent revolution —— or a supermajority in both Chambers for at least 12 straight years —— there is little hope conservative Americans will get back to the permanent center America’s Founders set in stone.
Finally, a supermajority has to be large enough to neuter entrenched RINO voting with the remnants of the Democrat Party.