The China - Soviet Union Conspiracy Is Gaining On You


Verified User
Don't look back. Something might be gaining on you. Satchel Paige

Paige’s good intentions notwithstanding, looking back at the Communist Conspiracy is essential if Americans hope to survive as a free people.

The U.S. did not defeat Communism, or China, when the Soviet Union imploded. The reported demise of the Soviet Union caused Americans to drop their guard. Media Communists encouraged a false sense of security with claims that Americans had nothing to fear because Communism was dead. The Left was so successful in announcing the death of Communism the country ignored the Clintons while they went about salvaging Communism’s worldwide infrastructure left behind by the Soviet Union. Today, the country has a piss-pot full of Clinton and Obama Communists in high places; most notably in intelligence agencies.

The answer to Ellis’ question is obvious:

Is the Chinese Communist Party funneling money to rioters?
By Curtis Ellis
Published October 2, 2020 at 7:28pm

The answer is YES.

Communist China inherited responsibility along with inheriting tried and true methods for spreading worldwide Communism after the Soviet Union imploded. Clearly, one method for revolution has China funding today’s Communist Revolution in this country today just as Soviet Communists paid for all those anti-Vietnam War demonstrations.

Parenthetically, China Joe Biden could have been called Russia Joe Biden during the Vietnam War had he been in Congress long enough to attract the attention he acquired over the decades. As Curtis Ellis pointed out in his article:

"Many in China are hoping to reset relations with the U.S. should Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden defeat Mr. Trump," the Wall Street Journal report. "Mr. Biden has laid out plans to increase engagement with China over regional issues such as Afghanistan, Iran and North Korea. Mr. Biden would also likely engage China in dealing with climate change."

Beijing is banking on tech firms eager to gain a piece of the China market to go all out for Joe Biden. The CCP ran that play with Hollywood, and it paid off for Beijing and for Biden. The office of then-Vice President Biden overruled a decision to grant asylum to a high-ranking CCP official in charge of criminal investigations whose value to the U.S. intelligence would be unprecedented.

Finally, Biden’s long-serving tenure in the Senate —— 36 years —— emphasizes the need to repeal the XVII Amendment. Ask yourself this question if you trust long-serving traitors: Do you really believe that a filthy piece of garbage like a former senator, a former vice president, and a wannabe president would be in bed with Communist China today without the XVII AMENDMENT?
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It not so much that we dropped our guard when the Soviet Union fell, it is that we became consumed with hubris.

We turned our brains off.
The Soviet Union no-longer exist, where have you been???????????

To Trumpet:


. . . after the Soviet Union imploded.
Communist China inherited responsibility along with inheriting tried and true methods for spreading worldwide Communism after the Soviet Union imploded. Clearly, one method for revolution has China funding today’s Communist Revolution in this country today just as Soviet Communists paid for all those anti-Vietnam War demonstrations.

Parenthetically, China Joe Biden could have been called Russia Joe Biden during the Vietnam War had he been in Congress long enough to attract the attention he acquired over the decades.

Former Vice President Joe Biden has used footage of Nazi dictator and mass murderer Adolf Hitler in a new campaign ad attacking President Donald Trump.

Joe Biden Uses Adolf Hitler in Campaign Ad
by Joel B. Pollak
29 Oct 2020

Trump has time to counter Biden’s campaign video by running these pictures side by side:

If nothing else, younger voters might look into Biden and the Vietnam War.

A Primer on Why We Lost Vietnam : A Vietnamese general confirms the anti-war movement's role in the U.S. defeat.
August 06, 1995

If nothing else, younger voters might look into Biden and the Vietnam War.

Now I know why China Joe chose Vice President Blow Job to succeed him:

Ho Chi Minh was a brutal dictator and the founder of the Vietnamese Communist Party. His regime carried out a class genocide against wealthy farmers and landowners, killing hundreds of thousands in Vietnam.

Who is she appealing to in this photo?

Kamala Harris bailed on the United States when catastrophe struck in Afghanistan, traveling to Singapore and Vietnam.

Kamala Harris Poses In Front Of Communist Ho Chi Minh Bust – “The WORST Photo Op For An American In That Country Since Jane Fonda Donned A Helmet There In 1972.”
By Jordan Conradson​
Published August 28, 2021 at 11:53pm

We know who he is.

Fixing the hack is simple.
When you’re approaching we know who he is.
We have to call the machine company and look further into it.
If I take it in my own hands. Some random people who you have no clue who they are start showing up.
It ends up being a lawyer. For the size of his mill. It’s not worth it.

Gauge change boot files #138

Sampling - I like the selvedge. It separates easy. Tighten the start .2 Albar is a mental patient.

CMS 440 e5 #138=449 ( 149 draw needle 8 to a dozen

CMS 422-4 e7 #138=629 (209 draw needle 8 to a dozen

Challenge me!

The T-WKT has to show that in the control the assigned symbols
are doing what the program asks for. If not it’s human error and
it doesn’t go on the machine. It’s a one shot deal. Program analysis.

Checking your math. ;)