the Christian right now in charge of public health inside the Trump administration

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
CDC director Robert Redfield and other important public health officials are Pence-approved evangelical Christians

The most unnerving aspect of the government response so far has not been Trump's gibberish. He's in over his head and it shows, as usual. And we know from his response to Hurricane Maria and other natural disasters that his only concern in a crisis is for his own political well-being. But I wouldn't have expected to hear the director of the CDC, Robert Redfield, laud Trump like a Fox News pundit.

It's a full-blown ritual at this point for members of the Trump cabinet and Republicans in Congress to genuflect to the president as if he were a 15th-century pope. And we know that public health experts have had to tread very softly in order not to upset him.

There's something important happening under the surface here. It may not simply be that these health policy professionals are trying to keep the kooky president happy so they can do their work on behalf of the country. They may be Trump true believers.

But they seem to be part of a conservative subculture of evangelical Christians who have found a foothold in the Trump administration clustered around Mike Pence's office. Along millions of other evangelicals, it appears they really believe in Donald Trump.
CDC director Robert Redfield and other important public health officials are Pence-approved evangelical Christians

The most unnerving aspect of the government response so far has not been Trump's gibberish. He's in over his head and it shows, as usual. And we know from his response to Hurricane Maria and other natural disasters that his only concern in a crisis is for his own political well-being. But I wouldn't have expected to hear the director of the CDC, Robert Redfield, laud Trump like a Fox News pundit.

It's a full-blown ritual at this point for members of the Trump cabinet and Republicans in Congress to genuflect to the president as if he were a 15th-century pope. And we know that public health experts have had to tread very softly in order not to upset him.

There's something important happening under the surface here. It may not simply be that these health policy professionals are trying to keep the kooky president happy so they can do their work on behalf of the country. They may be Trump true believers.

But they seem to be part of a conservative subculture of evangelical Christians who have found a foothold in the Trump administration clustered around Mike Pence's office. Along millions of other evangelicals, it appears they really believe in Donald Trump.

This is very scary to think that unqualified clergyman rather than qualified scientist are in charge of managing the corona pandemic.
hmm.....Christians involved in health care......what a horrible thing to have happen.......

Since Nazis lost control over their Holocaust concentration camps economics where Mengele "Angel of Death" baptize thine eyes by urinations defamations prior to exterminations for demented & deranged Christiananality pedophilia with the newly deceased offspring seems as if they could be strategizing something new for political campaigns this election season …. other than those crooks on Capital Hill national Christian Nation religion of SCOTUS Rehnquist's immaculate drug conception standing for Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate baptise thine eyes by urinations enforcement in thieving US Constitution - old glory -old testament - absentee voting ballot arsonists to protect & serve those burning Bush's Arab "death to the infidels" 9/11 health care plan patriot act continuation of problems in American politics.