The Civilian Military NGO


New member
The reason why I backed off from forming the civilian military NGO..
With a Civil Army, Civil Navy, Civil Air Force and Civil Marines..
With the goal to promote civil Militarism, Conservation, and to help law enforcement against things like the illegal insurrection just recently..

I backed down from the idea, because I'm not going to be in it forever, I'm not going to be in charge of it forever..

And the chances of it staying a Jeep and Polaris 4x4 driving, Harley Army Cycles Riding.. Bayliner boating, Pilatus and brechcraft and Lancair piloting..
Oakley wearing, TBG issuing, Smith and Wesson M&P target shooting, SOG tactical gear toting..
Browning camping, hunting and dog supplies packing..

Conservation protectors, and police helpers are ZERO.

The chances of it and it's activities falling into republican right wing terrorist leadership are absolute.
Absolutely will.
100% without a single question.. no room for doubts... WILL.

So forget it
There is my idea for a little fun doing something good with my life..

And then there's America and the cold hard truth is..
It sucks, it isn't great and never was great, and can't be made great with a politically high risk lifestyle organization.
The NRA started off with something was socially acceptable in it's beginning days..
Teaching kids to operate hunting guns..

It has become the terrorist insurrection And seditionists

Same thing could happen to my fun plan for wildlife and environmental conservation.
just think, only a few more posts and can start trying to sell us mass produced items imported from China at very low prices and fast delivery (except during Chinese New Year).......
The NRA started off with something was socially acceptable in it's beginning days..
Teaching kids to operate hunting guns..

It has become the terrorist insurrection And seditionists

Same thing could happen to my fun plan for wildlife and environmental conservation.

The stupidity abounds in this rant...
Anal swabs, gently used.

The stupidity abounds in this rant...

They are not right in the head, they won't last long, seen more than one poster that has gone completely off the rails like this. They eventually burn out and either disappear on their own or go so far the site throws them off.