The Cleveland Browns are cursed!!


The Browns signed Top Free Agent LeCharles Bentley to a record breaking contract for the Center position during the offseason.. On the second play in Training Camp he gets hurt and is out for the Season!! OUCH!!! This happnes every year to this team... they loose their draft choices or Free Agent Signings before the season begins!!

Its hard to be a Browns Fan ...
Yeah, it was a very very gloomy day for us yesterday here at the office. You could hear a pin drop. We had this awesome offseason and find out it wasn't as good as we thought. It's hell being a Browns fan :(
There are trade rumors considering Ashleigh Lelie and Thomas Jones...

It must hurt to be a Bears fan too!

Rueben Drougns won't be as effective for my FF team either. Though we still have Hallen, and he is probably just as good as Faine was.
Yup ya'll got him from the Saints. It's weird but I somehow think that helps the Saints in the tinyest of ways.
This is a serious question, i'm not taking the piss.

Why are Cleveland called the "Browns" when everyone else is named after animals and that? I mean, brown? It's not even a very nice colour.
Paul Brown was the founder of the team.. and their first Coach .. when they joined the NFL they won 8 out 10 division titles... and a few Championships to boot ... this was like between 1945 and 1955 ....
He was one of the greatest coaches of alltime ....
charver said:
This is a serious question, i'm not taking the piss.

Why are Cleveland called the "Browns" when everyone else is named after animals and that? I mean, brown? It's not even a very nice colour.

It's so the fans of every other team can make jokes about their emblemless helmets of brown...
klaatu said:
Paul Brown was the founder of the team.. and their first Coach .. when they joined the NFL they won 8 out 10 division titles... and a few Championships to boot ... this was like between 1945 and 1955 ....
He was one of the greatest coaches of alltime ....

Ah, i've always kind of wondered. There was that and why the Tampa Bay Bucks used to have that gay bloke on their helmets.
DigitalDave said:
heh.... screw you Damo :)

What's you favorite team BTW? Only fair that I get to make fun of them too now!

The Donks, of course! I mean, you think a native of Colorado born in Denver is going to like any other team?
DigitalDave said:
LOL, The Denver Browncos huh? You guys got one crappy D-line! I know, we had them all once!


They got a bit further than the brown-headed line did... I think it may be a coaching thing.

Nah, I think Warren is still the 'Big waste of money', I miss CB though. It wasn't so much the coaching as it was the talent around those guys. Your end that wasn't a Brown was the guy who produced, freeing up some of the other Browncos on that line. They didn't do any better there than they did here. Though CB stayed healthier with them than he did with us, and that ain't sayin much. lol Now you have Lang, who we tryed to convert into the 3-4 but he couldn't hack it. He's a decent end as well, but nothing like what you had.