The Clinton body count

Donald Trump’s Pals Say Hillary Clinton Is a Lesbian Murderer, Bill Is a Cocaine Fiend

Donald Trump has hinted he has a lot of dirt on Hillary Clinton. But where is he getting his information from? It’s all from the exhaustive works of longtime acquaintances of Donald Trump who, intentionally or not, have written the foundational texts for the Republican nominee’s case against Hillary Clinton.

Roger Stone and his co-author Robert Morrow, along with Edward Klein, have produced books that amount to a treasure trove of opposition research for Trump. In hundreds and hundreds of pages they have revealed dark, personal secrets and transcripts of private conversations Clinton has had in the intimacy of her own home—with family and friends and even with Steven Spielberg.

Hillary Clinton is a murderer and a lesbian and she buys her muumuus on

Well, she has lesbian associations as well as affairs with men. Thank goodness the appeal of the muumuu crosses the gender divide, because she’s really more of a bisexual.

For proof of this look no further than Chelsea Clinton’s face, a close inspection of which is all you need to know that she’s not Bill Clinton’s daughter, but the product of Hillary’s sexual relationship with Webb Hubbell, her old partner at the Rose Law Firm, whose indelicate features, from certain angles, are nearly identical to hers.

Speaking of old flames, Vincent Foster was Hillary’s soulmate and while she probably didn’t kill him, she definitely moved his body to Fort Marcy Park after he shot himself in the head with a .38 caliber pistol in the White House.

Though the Clintons did hire detectives to kill Kathleen Willey’s cat and leave its skull on her porch to intimidate her into silence after Bill, a cocaine fiend who trafficked the stuff into the Mena Airport in Arkansas by the ton, sexually assaulted her. His rehab stints never worked. He relied on cocaine too much for energy to globe-trot with pedophiles and impregnate prostitutes in alleyways during his morning jogs.

Morrow said of the likelihood that Trump would cite his work, “I’m delighted he is, because it is going to napalm Hillary Clinton. She is going to be burned at the stake in 2016 and everybody should get out their marshmallows and put them on a stick.”
Christiecrite thinks this thread proves I advanced the Clinton body count theory.

She is too imbecilic to recall that I was on "her side" in 2015 and started this thread to mock "cons."


Of course. And the fact that you posted these conspiracies in the last few months means...?
Completely fact free OP and posts.

But, consider this. The gop/RWs, Repubs have been "investigating" the Clinton's for about 30 years and have yet to find proof of criminal activity.

Is your mommy awake? Ask her to explain how the Internet works, if she can.

Oh wait, it's because you're that worthless troll. All I remembered was Jack calling you Legina. Obviously no one bothers to say hi, except for who I assume is your better, Christiefan915, and some other noob. I've been up doing paperwork myself, but if you asked nicely I would have gladly taken time, and told you a bedtime story.
Jade...go to the nice thread....

OK, now I know you must be talking to me, after so many comments. Kay.... :thinking: :igive: Just tell me where this nice thread is, that you keep inviting me to, and I'll figure out the rest some other time. From now on though, it would help if you quote people.
Oh wait, it's because you're that worthless troll. All I remembered was Jack calling you Legina. Obviously no one bothers to say hi, except for who I assume is your better, Christiefan915, and some other noob. I've been up doing paperwork myself, but if you asked nicely I would have gladly taken time, and told you a bedtime story.

So your mommy was unable to explain how a thread can have more views than replies? The apple (pun intended) doesn't fall far from the tree.
So your mommy was unable to explain how a thread can have more views than replies? The apple (pun intended) doesn't fall far from the tree.

I understand that dippy troll, but for that kind of number, you must have been checking in a lot. It's not easy to ask Mother questions, as I can't just shout from the other room. Apparently you haven't come to that concept yet. Well consider this a teaching moment.

I realized you're a troll, and you're squatting on your discussions. :laugh: I also noted a few things Christie said elsewhere, and I'm sure this discussion was brought up several times before. So I hear someone plays both sides. Can't get much more parents basement sociopath then that.
I realized you're a troll, and you're squatting on your discussions. I also noted a few things Christie said elsewhere, and I'm sure this discussion was brought up several times before. So I hear someone plays both sides. Can't get much more parents basement sociopath then that.

Think so?