The closest I have seen to excellence in conversation among others in a long time, Tu

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
The closest I have seen to excellence in conversation among others in a long time, Tucker and DeSantis

Four minute 22 second video and worth every minute ;)

Tucker and DeSantis

I got your back on this, but why stop there, and I don't mean criminalize it up to grade 12, I mean criminalize such sick unacceptable inexcusable behavior that the lgbt represents permanently. If when homosexuality was legalized, discrimination against heterosexuality was criminalized, we wouldn't have these leftist basket cases trying to incite us with such rubbish at all.

It's time to end this sick and filthy nightmare for the well being and future of the life on this planet let alone in Florida USA.

"DeSantis responds to critics after signing bill ending Disney autonomy"



Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
Rightys do not want to face the truth. Gender is not binary. There is a mixture of male and female in all of us. There are some trapped in the middle by how they were born.
The idea that the sexual organs determine all is childishly simple and wrong. The rightys miss the hormones, chemistry, mental makeup and others that determine sex drive. gay kids know they are different when they are young. Most of us can remember when we knew some fellow students were different from the standard model. It was in K thru 3 .
Disney is a great example of "woke" abuse. The Repubs used to defend corporations as people and said they have a right to speak. Desantis says otherwise. He is going full woke on Disney.
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