The CNN & MSNBC Jokes


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I check in at least once a day with MSNBC and or CNN just to remind myself of just how absurd, ridiculous and pathetic leftist media really is. Their story of the week this week is Trump’s canceling the security clearance of retired CIA chief John Brennan. I’m surprised and dismayed that Brennan ever got a security clearance to begin with. This is the same John Brennan that actually voted, and admitted it, for the Communist Party candidate for President before he was ever confirmed by the Senate to be the CIA chief. Which Senators voted to confirm this guy?

Well however he got a job in our federal government and got security clearance is unbelievable, and even more unbelievable is the troopers at CNN and MSNBC “crucify Trump crew. They’re pulling their hair out shouting “DICTATOR” at Trump and claiming his pulling of Brennan’s clearance is a violation of “Freedom Of Speech.” How nice it is to see the lefties claim the Constitution and incorporate into their Trump Hate. Actually we’d never know that Brennan’s right to free speech was outlawed by Trump, he’s still shooting his biased mouth off on his new job as mouth piece for the Trump Dump gang at CNN. Apparently his free speech is alive and well.

The Jokers at CNN and MSNBC claim Trump is a tyrannical dictator. Actually Trump has the absolute constitutional authority to revoke anybody’s security clearance, for any reason. And DUH!!! Tyrannical dictators don’t just revoke security clearances and prevent speech, they make sure folks that talk out in opposition to them disappear. Ole commie John better watch his back, huh?
I check in at least once a day with MSNBC and or CNN just to remind myself of just how absurd, ridiculous and pathetic leftist media really is. Their story of the week this week is Trump’s canceling the security clearance of retired CIA chief John Brennan. I’m surprised and dismayed that Brennan ever got a security clearance to begin with. This is the same John Brennan that actually voted, and admitted it, for the Communist Party candidate for President before he was ever confirmed by the Senate to be the CIA chief. Which Senators voted to confirm this guy?

Well however he got a job in our federal government and got security clearance is unbelievable, and even more unbelievable is the troopers at CNN and MSNBC “crucify Trump crew. They’re pulling their hair out shouting “DICTATOR” at Trump and claiming his pulling of Brennan’s clearance is a violation of “Freedom Of Speech.” How nice it is to see the lefties claim the Constitution and incorporate into their Trump Hate. Actually we’d never know that Brennan’s right to free speech was outlawed by Trump, he’s still shooting his biased mouth off on his new job as mouth piece for the Trump Dump gang at CNN. Apparently his free speech is alive and well.

The Jokers at CNN and MSNBC claim Trump is a tyrannical dictator. Actually Trump has the absolute constitutional authority to revoke anybody’s security clearance, for any reason. And DUH!!! Tyrannical dictators don’t just revoke security clearances and prevent speech, they make sure folks that talk out in opposition to them disappear. Ole commie John better watch his back, huh?

Yes, and the fact that MSNBC and NBC were employing Brennan makes their outrage all the more tedious. The man was a huge liar Obama’s watch. The media were calling for him to be fired then. How quickly they forget.
I check in at least once a day with MSNBC and or CNN just to remind myself of just how absurd, ridiculous and pathetic leftist media really is. Their story of the week this week is Trump’s canceling the security clearance of retired CIA chief John Brennan. I’m surprised and dismayed that Brennan ever got a security clearance to begin with. This is the same John Brennan that actually voted, and admitted it, for the Communist Party candidate for President before he was ever confirmed by the Senate to be the CIA chief. Which Senators voted to confirm this guy?

Well however he got a job in our federal government and got security clearance is unbelievable, and even more unbelievable is the troopers at CNN and MSNBC “crucify Trump crew. They’re pulling their hair out shouting “DICTATOR” at Trump and claiming his pulling of Brennan’s clearance is a violation of “Freedom Of Speech.” How nice it is to see the lefties claim the Constitution and incorporate into their Trump Hate. Actually we’d never know that Brennan’s right to free speech was outlawed by Trump, he’s still shooting his biased mouth off on his new job as mouth piece for the Trump Dump gang at CNN. Apparently his free speech is alive and well.

The Jokers at CNN and MSNBC claim Trump is a tyrannical dictator. Actually Trump has the absolute constitutional authority to revoke anybody’s security clearance, for any reason. And DUH!!! Tyrannical dictators don’t just revoke security clearances and prevent speech, they make sure folks that talk out in opposition to them disappear. Ole commie John better watch his back, huh?

They were wrong on freedom of speech. What they are correct about is abuse of power and obstruction of justice. This is nothing more than attempted intimidation of anybody associated with the Russian investigation. Pure and simple.

Security clearances? Why do we hear nothing from you Trumpsuckers about Orangetweet giving clearances to a domestic abuser? To his son-in-law, who tried to do a back door with the Russians in THEIR embassy? To his son, who tried to conspire directly with known Russian agents?

Trump is trying to do EXACTLY what you just described. Make the voice of those who criticize him disappear. At least you recognize that, dumbfuck. Everything else in your post demonstrates your willfully ignorant denial.
Brennan was head of CIA. He worked in the CIA for 25 years. In his capacity, he had a lot of important experience and is a valuable resource to todays CIA. He had no use for daily CIA works and did not get intelligence. However when asked to testify in front of congress he had to bone up . Like MCraven said, Brennan is a very highly respected director . Trump is punishing him for speaking out against Trump. That is not permitted. Free speech is for those who agree with Trump.

All those former intelligent people who came out aginst what daffy is doing, should inform the right. But it does not. It is not national security.It is about speaking out against Trumpy.
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MSNBC is the only source of truth left on television today.

But the truth winds both me and my blood pressure up.

The Red Sox and baseball season give me six or seven months off before I have to go back to Chris Hayes, Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O'Donnell and Brian Williams to get wound up again for another half-year.
They were wrong on freedom of speech. What they are correct about is abuse of power and obstruction of justice. This is nothing more than attempted intimidation of anybody associated with the Russian investigation. Pure and simple.

What power is he "abusing?" Nobody yet has debunked what seems to be the fact that he has the "power" to yank security clearances anytime from anybody for any reason or no reason. Can you prove differently? What's the evidence of "obstruction of justice" please present it.

Security clearances? Why do we hear nothing from you Trumpsuckers about Orangetweet giving clearances to a domestic abuser? To his son-in-law, who tried to do a back door with the Russians in THEIR embassy? To his son, who tried to conspire directly with known Russian agents?

If you have evidence of any of that, you should present it to Robert Muller, he seems to be having problems finding such evidence.

Trump is trying to do EXACTLY what you just described. Make the voice of those who criticize him disappear. At least you recognize that, dumbfuck. Everything else in your post demonstrates your willfully ignorant denial.

Apparently he's failing to make Brennan disappear, huh? He's still blabbering all over leftist media saying more and more absurd bullshit.
Brennan was head of CIA. He worked in the CIA for 25 years. In his capacity, he had a lot of important experience and is a valuable resource to todays CIA. He had no use for daily CIA works and did not get intelligence. However when asked to testify in front of congress he had to bone up . Like MCraven said, Brennan is a very highly respected director . Trump is punishing him for speaking out against Trump. That is not permitted. Free speech is for those who agree with Trump.

All those former intelligent people who came out aginst what daffy is doing, should inform the right. But it does not. It is not national security.It is about speajking out againt Trumpy.

All of that is simply your absurd leftist brainwashed opinion. Present evidence of a crime please!
I check in at least once a day with MSNBC and or CNN just to remind myself of just how absurd, ridiculous and pathetic leftist media really is. Their story of the week this week is Trump’s canceling the security clearance of retired CIA chief John Brennan. I’m surprised and dismayed that Brennan ever got a security clearance to begin with. This is the same John Brennan that actually voted, and admitted it, for the Communist Party candidate for President before he was ever confirmed by the Senate to be the CIA chief. Which Senators voted to confirm this guy?

Well however he got a job in our federal government and got security clearance is unbelievable, and even more unbelievable is the troopers at CNN and MSNBC “crucify Trump crew. They’re pulling their hair out shouting “DICTATOR” at Trump and claiming his pulling of Brennan’s clearance is a violation of “Freedom Of Speech.” How nice it is to see the lefties claim the Constitution and incorporate into their Trump Hate. Actually we’d never know that Brennan’s right to free speech was outlawed by Trump, he’s still shooting his biased mouth off on his new job as mouth piece for the Trump Dump gang at CNN. Apparently his free speech is alive and well.

The Jokers at CNN and MSNBC claim Trump is a tyrannical dictator. Actually Trump has the absolute constitutional authority to revoke anybody’s security clearance, for any reason. And DUH!!! Tyrannical dictators don’t just revoke security clearances and prevent speech, they make sure folks that talk out in opposition to them disappear. Ole commie John better watch his back, huh?

You are such a card, Robo! Always kidding...always with the jokes.

What power is he "abusing?" Nobody yet has debunked what seems to be the fact that he has the "power" to yank security clearances anytime from anybody for any reason or no reason. Can you prove differently? What's the evidence of "obstruction of justice" please present it.

If you have evidence of any of that, you should present it to Robert Muller, he seems to be having problems finding such evidence.

Apparently he's failing to make Brennan disappear, huh? He's still blabbering all over leftist media saying more and more absurd bullshit.

I outlined it, punk. That you’re in willfully ignorant denial is on you.

His actions are pure revenge. Nothing more. He’s trying to intimidate anyone associated with the Russian probe. That’s both sn abuse if power snd obstruction of justice.

Trying to make Brennan disappear? Words are difficult for you, aren’t they, halfwit. He’s trying to silence his voice and anyone else involved in the Russian probe. He can’t pay them off for their silence, can he, dumbshit? So he resorts to threats and intimidation.
What power is he "abusing?" Nobody yet has debunked what seems to be the fact that he has the "power" to yank security clearances anytime from anybody for any reason or no reason. Can you prove differently? What's the evidence of "obstruction of justice" please present it.

If you have evidence of any of that, you should present it to Robert Muller, he seems to be having problems finding such evidence.

Apparently he's failing to make Brennan disappear, huh? He's still blabbering all over leftist media saying more and more absurd bullshit.

Try and understand whose clearances he is talking about removing? It is all people who spoke out against him or are critical of what he is doing. Thatg is not just removing clearances, but using that power for punishment. He is silencing critics . That is fundamentally wrong. Trump has the power to fire off the nukes. because he can, you think he should and it is none of our business? There is a procedutre for removing clearances and Trump totally ignored it.
All of that is simply your absurd leftist brainwashed opinion. Present evidence of a crime please!

Show evidence of why these people on the list should have their clearances removed. You think disagreeing with Trump is deserving punishment? Why ask? of course you do. We now have a king. You are a good serf.
I outlined it, punk. That you’re in willfully ignorant denial is on you.

His actions are pure revenge. Nothing more. He’s trying to intimidate anyone associated with the Russian probe. That’s both sn abuse if power snd obstruction of justice.

Trying to make Brennan disappear? Words are difficult for you, aren’t they, halfwit. He’s trying to silence his voice and anyone else involved in the Russian probe. He can’t pay them off for their silence, can he, dumbshit? So he resorts to threats and intimidation.

Of course you're gonna present the statute that prevents the President from revoking security clearances for "alleged revenge" right? If there's no law against it and it's purely just your misguided leftist brainwashed opinion, how are you "hair on fire" lefties gonna make an 'intimidation and obstruction of justice" charge stick in any court of actual law?
Try and understand whose clearances he is talking about removing? It is all people who spoke out against him or are critical of what he is doing. Thatg is not just removing clearances, but using that power for punishment. He is silencing critics . That is fundamentally wrong. Trump has the power to fire off the nukes. because he can, you think he should and it is none of our business? There is a procedutre for removing clearances and Trump totally ignored it.

does the procedure start with deciding the security clearance should be revoked.......step one - the way, feckless fool......this has nothing to do with nuclear weapons.....
Try and understand whose clearances he is talking about removing? It is all people who spoke out against him or are critical of what he is doing. Thatg is not just removing clearances, but using that power for punishment. He is silencing critics . That is fundamentally wrong. Trump has the power to fire off the nukes. because he can, you think he should and it is none of our business? There is a procedutre for removing clearances and Trump totally ignored it.

Actually, I denounce your premise that Trump is only threatening to remove clearances from people "who spoke out against him or are critical of what he's doing." that in my opinion is pure leftist crap/garbage. He's threatening to remove the clearances from people who HAVE BEEN FIRED from the DOJ and FBI and or folks that have been known to LEAK CLASSIFIED GOV. INFO TO MEDIA and or folks that "HAVE BEEN PROVEN TO LIE TO THE CONGRESS, and or folks THAT HAVE BEEN SHOWN TO BE ULTRA BIASED AND HATE FILLED TOWARD TRUMP AND HAVE BEEN PART OF A CABAL TO FRAME HIM AND REMOVE HIM FROM THE PRESIDENCY. That friend is a vast, vast difference from your assertion.
Of course you're gonna present the statute that prevents the President from revoking security clearances for "alleged revenge" right? If there's no law against it and it's purely just your misguided leftist brainwashed opinion, how are you "hair on fire" lefties gonna make an 'intimidation and obstruction of justice" charge stick in any court of actual law?

Present the statute? What in the fuck are you talking about, you fucking moron? And where did I indicate anything about a court of law?

I can’t help you massively willfully ignorant dumbfucks recognize the obvious. Nor can I help you on your incredible lack of comprehension skills.

What a tribe of dumbshits.
Actually, I denounce your premise that Trump is only threatening to remove clearances from people "who spoke out against him or are critical of what he's doing." that in my opinion is pure leftist crap/garbage. He's threatening to remove the clearances from people who HAVE BEEN FIRED from the DOJ and FBI and or folks that have been known to LEAK CLASSIFIED GOV. INFO TO MEDIA and or folks that "HAVE BEEN PROVEN TO LIE TO THE CONGRESS, and or folks THAT HAVE BEEN SHOWN TO BE ULTRA BIASED AND HATE FILLED TOWARD TRUMP AND HAVE BEEN PART OF A CABAL TO FRAME HIM AND REMOVE HIM FROM THE PRESIDENCY. That friend is a vast, vast difference from your assertion.


At least you recognize the part about being biased against Orangetweet. That’s called intimidation and revenge, idiot. An abuse of power.

Is that laughable “cabal” those involved in the Russian probe? That’s called obstruction of justice, halfwit.
What power is he "abusing?" Nobody yet has debunked what seems to be the fact that he has the "power" to yank security clearances anytime from anybody for any reason or no reason. Can you prove differently? What's the evidence of "obstruction of justice" please present it.

If you have evidence of any of that, you should present it to Robert Muller, he seems to be having problems finding such evidence.

Apparently he's failing to make Brennan disappear, huh? He's still blabbering all over leftist media saying more and more absurd bullshit.

No other presidents have used that power at all. It is not certain he has the power. It would have to go to court. But Trump is wielding the power to punish people who spoke up against him. That certainly was not what that power was for. It is not a tool to suppress free speech.
Actually, I denounce your premise that Trump is only threatening to remove clearances from people "who spoke out against him or are critical of what he's doing." that in my opinion is pure leftist crap/garbage. He's threatening to remove the clearances from people who HAVE BEEN FIRED from the DOJ and FBI and or folks that have been known to LEAK CLASSIFIED GOV. INFO TO MEDIA and or folks that "HAVE BEEN PROVEN TO LIE TO THE CONGRESS, and or folks THAT HAVE BEEN SHOWN TO BE ULTRA BIASED AND HATE FILLED TOWARD TRUMP AND HAVE BEEN PART OF A CABAL TO FRAME HIM AND REMOVE HIM FROM THE PRESIDENCY. That friend is a vast, vast difference from your assertion.

look at the list and you will have to change your incorrect premise. It has Hayden, yeats, Mccabe,Page ,Strzok, Comey,Rice, and Clapper. Many of them lost clearance when they left the FBI. Trump included them on the list so he can bitch about them. The least he could do is take them off. That information is available. Many on the list are not in public, like Rice and yeats. Why put them on? Because it riles up low information people like you.

The idea of removing Trump is on the right. The left is disgusted with him, but know we have to sit out 2 more years. Impeachment is a right wing talking point. There are very few leftys who are pushing it, even though it would save us from more Trump insanity. The few pushing it do not speak for the Dems or the left.
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