The comments on YouTube under this video display enormous stupidity

That's the same video. All I see a cute girl bonding with her pet. And the comments are positive.

Which comments are positive? The ones attributing emotions and traits to a predatory animal that it is not capable of having? Or the ones that understand the actual science?
Which comments are positive? The ones attributing emotions and traits to a predatory animal that it is not capable of having? Or the ones that understand the actual science?

Well I had friends who owned boas. They were never aggressive.
Well I had friends who owned boas. They were never aggressive.

After they are fed a rabbit I suppose they were too full and busy digesting. My point was that attributing traits and emotions to the creature that it is simply not capable of is pretty ignorant, stupid and dangerous!
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After they are fed a rabbit I suppose they were too full and busy digesting. My point was that attributing traits and emotions to the creature that it is simply is not capable of is pretty ignorant and stupid.

Yeah. I wouldn't know.

Once my friend dangled a dead rabbit in air few feet from the cage, all of sudden it snatched the rabbit so fast. Me and someone else jumped back. LOL.