The Communist Program (2)


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(continue from last post)

So, there it is. The Communist Party USA is laboring so that America will not be the world’s leading country. As their Program states, they want to replace the current economic order, based on U.S. global leadership, with a new order “led by anti-imperialist countries.” And who are these anti-imperialist countries? If you don’t know, I’ll list a few of them: China, North Korea, Cuba, Vietnam, Venezuela, South Africa, Congo, Zimbabwe, Angola, Nicaragua, Iran, Russia, etc.

Are you beginning to grasp how this works?

The communists have written up a bill of indictment against the United States as follows: “Our country, our people, and our environment are all being destroyed by the greed of a few obscenely wealthy capitalist groupings. Our world is threatened by the ravages of capitalist globalization, by relentless efforts to drive wages down to the lowest possible level, by attempts to destroy unions and all protections won by workers through struggle, by the spread of toxic wastes, and by imperialist war. We can’t and won’t let this continue.”

When your goal is to bring down a great country, you need to make a strong case against that country. More than that, you need to sabotage that country’s economy. You need to hurt its energy sector. You need to increase unemployment. Come to think of it, what was the first thing President Biden did on entering office. He canceled the Keystone XL pipeline, costing 11,000 U.S. jobs and weakening our energy independence (thereby strengthening Russia and Venezuela). Call it one of several “coincidences.”

According to the Communist Program, “We need radical solutions, real democracy, and real unity.” If this theme was echoed in President Biden’s inaugural, it will be chalked up by many to yet another coincidence. Please disregard this for now. Whatever Biden means by “democracy and unity,” we will leave it for the reader to decide. What the communists mean by unity is the construction of an “all-people’s front” against the “ultra-right.” What they mean by democracy is the “enlargement” of democracy by the inclusion of every conceivable victim group into the “all-people’s front.”

In each stage of struggle, say the communists, a strategy must be developed. “The world and domestic balance of forces” must be considered. The goal here is to build “socialist consciousness,” which necessarily excludes all other kinds of consciousness. Socialist unity, in this context, simultaneously seeks to divide and conquer the non-socialist world by assigning people to various “oppressed” groups in order to build the largest possible “democratic” coalition. On page 25 of the Communist Program, it states: “The U.S. Constitution, as originally written, placed many restrictions on democracy, so from the time of the country’s founding there has been a continual battle to extend democracy.”

Therefore the communists are building a united “all-people’s front” of victims – of oppressed and exploited persons – who are indoctrinated to stand against the “ultra-right” and deliver the country into communist hands. This vast coalition of “oppressed” Americans will vote to strip away the Constitution, which prevents full democracy from being implemented. “The struggle to protect and expand democracy is the way to defeat the ultra-right,” says the Communist Program. “It is the way to prevent fascism.” This, of course, is why they want an open border – so they can flood the country with new “democratic voters” who are easier to manipulate because they are poor and desperate.

Of course, there is an aspect of democracy which the communists refer to as “economic democracy.” This is the idea – which is very appealing to the poor – that everyone is entitled to a “fair share” of goodies from the “rich.” Of course, who is “rich”? The rich, in this case, is anyone with money who is not aligned with the communists. As a sidenote: If this process of revolutionary spoliation goes on long enough, nearly everyone outside the communist party will be desperately poor and dependent on the government; and that will leave them without any means of resistance. To quote Trotsky on the matter, “In a country where the sole employer is the State, opposition means death by slow starvation.”

Communist spoliation also turns an economy into a zero-sum game; first, because socialism kills the goose that laid the golden egg; and second, because the ruling party will take what it wants at everyone else’s expense. Violence and mass theft are intrinsic to communism. Why? Because “democratic struggle” merely brings the “people’s forces to the brink of socialism.” [Italics added] To push the country into outright socialism you need to deploy violent means because mass killing and expropriations go together. You cannot take property from millions of people without killing many of those same people. Thus the Communist Program alludes to “sharp struggles to protect and expand democracy.” Those “sharp struggles” will involve the imposition of a secret police regime, making opposition to “democracy” a criminal offense. This will be justified on the grounds that the ultra-right will oppose “economic democracy,” which is the true essence of socialism.

If Mao Zedong said that “All reactionaries are paper tigers,” the American communists are not so sanguine. That is why they need militant cadres – like the thugs from Black Lives Matter and Antifa. They need a very large coalition of “oppressed” and angry minorities to fill out their fighting ranks. “Historically and continuing today,” says the Communist Program, “African Americans and their organizations play a tremendous role in democratic and class struggles and in building alliances with progressive movements….”

In their effort to divide and conquer America by race, the communists have singled out black Americans as ripe for recruitment. This is a logical strategy, by no means as benevolent as it might seem. African Americans, after all, are Americans. When the dark side of communism emerges, blacks will be oppressed along with everyone else.

The Communist Program also sees a special role for Mexican Americans. The communists say the Mexican people in America are the “fastest growing” part of the population. Mexicans face “language discrimination,” job discrimination, cultural suppression, anti-immigrant laws and abuses, police brutality and hate crimes. One might ask why Mexicans keep immigrating to America if they are treated so abominably. But then, of course, the communists want the Mexicans to think of themselves as victims so they will join their “people’s front.” And here again, opening the border allows the communists to expand their ranks. (And, indeed, Joe Biden also loves that open border, coincidentally.)

While we’re talking about the oppression of the blacks and Mexicans, we might as well pencil in the struggle for “other indigenous peoples,” as well as “Arabs and Middle Eastern peoples.” If any overseas culture is incompatible with American culture, let us bring them here in large numbers. All the better to divide and conquer the whole. New Muslim citizens are sure to be democratic voters, signifying an even larger people’s front, hurrying democracy toward socialism. To further enrage the Muslims against America, the communists love to dwell upon America’s “imperialist wars” against Iraq and Afghanistan. Bringing the “victims of imperialism” into the imperialist heartland is a particularly delicious strategy. The Communist Party Program states, “a substantial majority of Arabs, Muslims, and South Asian peoples in the U.S. have become active opponents of the ultra-right.” (P. 34)

Besides gathering every aggrieved victim of “imperialism” within our borders, the communists see women as their most important weapon of conquest. “Working class women suffer additional forms of oppression and exploitation than do male workers,” says the Communist Program. “The capitalists gain super-profits as a result….” Here the communists have played a dirty double game, since it was the communists who insisted that women abandon their protected status of homemakers and mothers. Lest anyone forget, Betty Friedan and other leading feminists were communists. Make the women into workers, make them miserable, turn them against the men, and win a new batch of angry victims for the cause. There is no real care for the happiness of women in this political game; and it goes without saying that the communists would never ask women to return to the kitchen. “Like racism,” says the Communist Program, “sexism is a key tool of the ruling class against all women….” According to the communists, “There is an ultra-right ideological attack on women’s role in society and the family, trying to force women to revert to a submissive role, to limit them to issues of family and children, and to assign blame [to them] for the high rate of divorce….” Here the communists want to eat their cake and have it. If women go to work, they are “doubly-exploited” by capitalism. If they stay home, they are reverting to a “submissive role.” (P. 37)

The Communist Program sees women as the most numerous victim group of all, and the most psychologically vulnerable. But there are other psychologically vulnerable groups: like children raised without mothers at home, or raised in single-parent households. The communists tell us that “youth and students” are also oppressed. “Capitalism seeks to use youth as cannon fodder in its imperialist adventures.” In addition, says the Communist Program, “there is an ultra-right ideological assault on youth, especially youth of color.” (P. 38)

(continue on next post)