The Communist Program (3)


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The Communist Program

J.R. Nyquist January 27, 2021

At that point the shift in the political and military balance would be plain for all to see. Convergence would … be on terms dictated by the communist bloc. The argument for accommodation with the overwhelming strength of communism would be virtually unanswerable. Pressures would build up for changes in the American political and economic system…. Traditional conservatives would be isolated and driven toward extremism. They might become the victims of a new McCarthyism of the left.

America is on the road to socialism. Friedrich Hayek called it The Road to Serfdom. Presently it is a road lined with soldiers, in a capital fortified and afraid. One might ask how a socialist dictatorship begins? Always, it begins with fear. First there is fear on the side of the government. Then the government begins to make the people afraid. It is all part of a “process.”

Will this “process” go quickly or slowly? It all depends on the pace of change set by the new administration. The country is psychologically vulnerable. People do not know what they are doing. They have lived in relative comfort and safety all their lives, and they have long employed a loose and sometimes confused language in their political discussions; so they are mentally ill-equipped to grasp the complex process that is now unfolding. One might say that Americans, as a people, have lost their intellectual focus. We have forgotten that the apparent does not exhaust the real. In other words, there is more going on than meets the eye. And now is when we need imagination married to intellect; but all we see is intellect divorced from imagination, with imagination huddling in a paranoid corner.

The question of where we are headed, and at what speed, might well be found in the Program of the Communist Party USA. This program was adopted in 2005 and updated in 2019. I will be quoting mostly from the 2005 version. But to start out, I will quote from the party’s April 2020 Preface – which begins exactly as Biden began his presidency: “All of humanity is faced with multiple, interlocking crises – in the economy, in our shared environment, in extreme weather disasters, in the growing danger of pandemics.”

(As we go through the Communist Program together, you may notice a remarkable alignment between the Communist Party strategy and the policies of the Democratic Party. If you want to understand this alignment, please read Trevor Loudon’s massive volume, The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress. Readers who go through Loudon’s volume will be surprised at the number of communist-connected politicians in the Democratic Party. These are by no means minor politicians and include both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.)

One of the first curiosities we encounter in the communist text is repeated references to something the communists call the “ultra-right.” Who is the ultra-right? It is Christians and patriots who want to defend and uphold the Constitution against enemies, foreign and domestic. Of course, this is my definition of the ultra-right. As you will see, the communists have a less flattering way of describing such people. From the communist point of view, Christian and patriotic defenders of the Constitution are bigots and imperialists, monopoly capitalists and militarists.

According to the Communist Program, “The solution to ultra-right domination lies in building the broadest, most inclusive unity among our multinational, male/female, multigenerational working class, starting with the labor movement, racially and nationally oppressed people, women, and youth. We must unite lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and straight people; professionals and intellectuals; seniors; and the disabled; and the mass people’s movements including the peace, environmental, health care, education, housing, and other movements. This all-people’s front to defeat the ultra-right is in the process of developing … to protect special programs and services, to win health care for all, and to win control of all three branches of government from the right wing.” (P. 5)

This exposition leads us to three questions. First Question: How can the communists take over all three branches of government if they aren’t running communists for office? Second question: Are the communists using another political party to take control of government? Third Question: Given the obvious answer to questions one and two: Have the communists now won all three branches of government under a false Democratic flag?

In 1983 I attended a communist meeting at the Science Lecture Hall of the University of California at Irvine. A communist gave a lecture on how the Communist Party USA was planning to take over the Democratic Party through its left wing and run a stealth communist for president. For me the answer to the three questions is perfectly obvious. Of course, the apparent does not exhaust the real.

The Communist Program says they are building an “all-people’s front … to win control of all three branches of government….” Who do you think their candidates were in the last election? One need not factor in Biden’s special relationship with Beijing. Set aside, for the moment, his characterization of the Chinese communists as “good people.” Also, take no notice of Biden’s son, Hunter, who took money from the Mayor of Moscow’s wife. That is not important here. Just read the Communist Program for America. If you begin to feel ill, I assure you: It’s nothing you ate; but it may be related to something you once swallowed (i.e., that communism is dead, that the Soviet Union is no more, that the KGB folded shop).

To understand what the communists are trying to accomplish in America, let us begin with the following important sentences in their Program: “The peoples of the world need a new economic order, one which helps countries to develop at the expense of imperialism and the transnationals. This will require replacement of the current capitalist international economic institutions with ones led by anti-imperialist countries.” (P. 19)

(continue on next post)