The Communist Program


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(continue from last post)

We should not shortchange the many other victim groups in communism’s “all-people’s front”: Chinese-Americans, the elderly and the disabled. Above all, we should not forget the gays, lesbians and transgendered. According to the communists, “The ultra-right uses homophobia and attacks on gays and lesbians as wedges to divide its opposition.” These attacks on gays and lesbians are allegedly launched by the Christian Right, a subgroup of the “ultra-right.” (Please note: The inclusion of gays and lesbians in the “all-people’s front” is a communist master-stroke, paving the way for the exclusion and persecution of traditional Christians who have always been a problem for the communists).

Chapter 4 of the Communist Program is titled “Unity Against the Ultra-Right.” The Communist Program defines the ultra-right as “the military industrial complex, the oil and energy industries … the pharmaceuticals …. sections of the high-tech industry, finance capital, and massive manufacturing and distributive giants, such as Wal-Mart. The Ultra-right includes ‘neo-conservatives,’ social and fiscal conservatives, religious fundamentalists, nativists, libertarians, and other right-wing trends.” (P. 48-49)

The communists claim that the ultra-right has reduced government spending “on the needs of the poor, the nationally and racially oppressed, and the working class, while increasing various forms of subsidy and tax cuts for big corporations and the super-rich.” The communists claim that America is not “an ordinary bourgeois-democratic regime. It has a conservative-authoritarian nature, which rather than seeking to unite the capitalist class through compromise, instead seeks to dominate less militaristic sections of the capitalist class.” Thus, the wicked imperialists of big business “impose the most reactionary policies on all politicians and the corporate forces they represent. The current ultra-right conservative-authoritarian policies … escalate the danger of fascism.”

While the Communist Program warns against overstating “the fascist danger,” they nonetheless see this danger as real. Fascism, say the communists, “is the open terrorist dictatorship of the most reactionary, militarist, racist section of monopoly capital. Fascism is not inevitable, but the working class and allied forces will not be able to prevent the ultra-right section of the capitalist class from moving further towards fascism unless we combat pressures and structural changes in that direction….” (P. 50)

The communist text reminds us that reactionary concepts of “freedom and democracy” signify only “freedom for the corporations and democracy for the few.” Returning to the theme of American imperialism, the communists say that the ultra-right “claims the moral right to attack any country it wants, to conduct war without end until it succeeds everywhere, and even to use ‘tactical’ nuclear weapons and militarize space. Whoever does not support U.S. policy is condemned as an opponent.” (P. 50)

According to the communists, the attacks of September 11, 2001, were “a smokescreen” to take away people’s “constitutional rights of free speech and assembly….” Furthermore, “The ultra-right’s open and covert uses of racism divide and weaken its opposition. It means an increase in the repressive power of the police and their racist practices. It means continual and increasing restrictions on democratic rights, including the right to vote. It demagogically uses right-wing religious prejudices … to eliminate separation of church and state. It means a growth of military spending and of the military industrial complex. It means a growth of nationalist ideology, jingoism, and xenophobia.” (P. 50)

According to the communists, the ultra-right’s most important effort is their “appeal to the Christian Right.” This is based on “a false championing of ‘family values’ and ‘human life.’ In reality they oppose women’s reproductive rights, attack civil liberties of the LGBT community, oppose all affirmative action to move towards equality….” (P. 51)

As any reader can see, much of the Communist Program bears a marked resemblance to the rhetoric of leading Democrat politicians. How is this to be explained? According to the communists, the Democratic Party leadership, though still “imperialist,” is nonetheless ready to “ameliorate social discontent.” The Democrats are therefore a ready vehicle for the communists because they have rallied “African American and Latino communities to gain representation, as well as [being] the main mechanism used to elect labor, progressive, and even Left activists to public office….” The communists add the following caveat, however: “There exists an internal struggle within the Democratic Party between centrist forces who collaborate with the right wing, and centrist forces opposed to the right wing. Those opposed to the right wing are often willing to align with progressive elements that seek to defeat the program of the ultra-right.” (P. 54)

Here, the reader needs to stop for a moment and absorb one further thought; namely, that the communists infiltrate both the right and the left. Their agents work to polarize the United States because infiltration combined with polarization has successfully pushed all factions to the left even as it benefits the “all-people’s front.” One of the benefits of infiltrating the right is to ensure a preponderance of people who can be compromised and blackmailed, or who can be criminally indicted when the time is ripe. In the future we will see many mistakes and scandals on the right. How many of these will be of native origin, and how many will owe to agent provocateurs, may never be known; but make no mistake, the communists and their foreign allies are continuously active within all important political factions. Anyone engaged in politics should know this; yet nobody seems to have the requisite discernment. For example, the odd claim that Trump was a Russian agent was never borne out by facts. The people who leveled the accusation had no sense of who a Russian agent might be; and, for all that, they were more likely to accuse an innocent person than a guilty one. Our political culture is, in this regard, without discernment; and the cause may be found in the general greed, ambition and immorality of journalists, politicians, spies and analysts. The connection here may be lost on many readers, so I will put it another way: Dishonesty and vanity do not coincide with discernment. The light of truth, betrayed inside the soul, necessarily results in a dimming of the intellect.

Returning to our theme, the communists believe their path to victory lies within the dialectic of the Democratic Party. There are, according to the communists, two kinds of Democrats: (1) Democrats who will support the right wing; (2) Democrats who will oppose the right wing. Logically, the communists are eager the strengthen the latter faction. This can be done by continued agitation and propaganda and by enlarging their coalition of victim groups within the Party. These, in turn, will apply increasing pressure on elected officials. Thus the communist text advocates “the widest possible unity of all class and social forces whose interests run counter to those of the most reactionary section of the transnationals.” By forming an all-inclusive coalition to crush the right, the communists also hope to attract moderate Republican voters. This struggle, they say, is “of great significance.” To defeat the right’s political power means a direct encounter with America’s “extreme reactionaries, militarists, and racists” who may “seek to impose fascism – an open terrorist dictatorship of big capital.” To defeat these elements, “Only the replacement of capitalism … by socialism can finally do away with the ultra-right threat.”

This is what the communist are doing – in Washington, D.C., and throughout the country. It is by no means all that they’re doing. There are many different communist organizations and actors engaged in a wide variety of activities. Yet here, in the Program of the Communist Party USA, we see an outline that is clear and easy to follow. Are they ready to push the country into full socialism? Probably yes. The only question is the expected “fascist” push from the ultra-right. Is this a communist fantasy? Or will the right actually resist as we are pushed all the way into socialism? And further: Would violent action from the right accelerate the communist plan, allowing them to consolidate their dictatorship? Or would it stop them?