The conspiracy of Christianity


New member
I've had an interest in how religion relates to different political happenings for a while, and I found some interesting information on the relation of Christianity to governmental tyranny. Christianity is a religion created to instill traits ideal for slaves, such as submission, blind obedience, and "turning the other cheek." Research into Christianity also proves it to be a total fraud, based on the amount of things it has clearly stolen from other religions traditions. If you have an interest in this, researching it on your own can be helpful. I've found the website "Exposing Christianity" to be helpful to me.

What do people think of organized religions's connection to governmental conspiracies? Has anyone else here looked into this particular theory?
Egads, don't you Nazis ever get tired of the same BS? Theories require proof not conspiracy nonsense. Government is too screwed up to engage in conspiracies, I say that with the fondest intentions. LOL Of course there are forms of governments that do all sort of bad things, fascism, plutocracy, dictatorships, etc and check out these bad actors, Russia, North Korea, Iran, Syria, to name just a few. I'll let others check you wacky site. You guys need to grow up and stop following hate.

This white supremacist left the stupidity that is Nazi worship.

"I want to argue for something which is controversial, although I believe that it is also intuitive and commonsensical. My claim is this: Oliver [ ???? ] believes what he does because that is the kind of thinker he is or, to put it more bluntly, because there is something wrong with how he thinks. The problem with conspiracy theorists is not, as the US legal scholar Cass Sunstein argues, that they have little relevant information. The key to what they end up believing is how they interpret and respond to the vast quantities of relevant information at their disposal. I want to suggest that this is fundamentally a question of the way they are. Oliver isn’t mad (or at least, he needn’t be). Nevertheless, his beliefs about 9/11 are the result of the peculiarities of his intellectual constitution – in a word, of his intellectual character."

"There was not one rational reason for a white person not in the upper classes to vote for Trump. In the last quarter, the economy was growing at nearly 3 percent, and not only was job growth solid but also wages are finally rising. But none of these economic facts could be appreciated because a candidate was pouring the crudest fuel on an old American flame, white supremacy."
'Christianity' (especially as used in the 'States) is a meaningless term. By and large, what Jesus is said to have preached in the Gospels seems convincing - essentially, socialism. Read them and then look at the first post.
I've had an interest in how religion relates to different political happenings for a while, and I found some interesting information on the relation of Christianity to governmental tyranny. Christianity is a religion created to instill traits ideal for slaves, such as submission, blind obedience, and "turning the other cheek." Research into Christianity also proves it to be a total fraud, based on the amount of things it has clearly stolen from other religions traditions. If you have an interest in this, researching it on your own can be helpful. I've found the website "Exposing Christianity" to be helpful to me.

What do people think of organized religions's connection to governmental conspiracies? Has anyone else here looked into this particular theory?

All Christianity suggests as a doctrine according to the Holy the fact that Christians should be law abiding citizens as it is God that appoints governments as a tool of JUSTICE as vengeance belongs to God not to individual Christians. Governments are supposed to punish the wicked and defend the righteous.....and God allows them to use the death penalty.

This truth is documented in the Christian source of faith, The Word of God. Where is your conspiracy theories documented in history? Its simple, debunk the doctrine found in the Holy Scriptures and you debunk Christianity.

Of course if you look at the top of this thread....the first evidence of Christ's existence comes to you in the form a Judeo/Christian Calendar....that's accepted as truth around the world.

Truth: If a nations population is majority CHRISTIAN....and in a free society its citizens make the laws through republican representation as does this nation. What other type of morality should be reflected in our government and its laws? Its common sense. When any "minority" position is dictated from the bench void of any representation from THE PEOPLE...then you are no longer living in a free society...but rather in a dictatorial oligarchy ruled by totalitarian fiat.

Fact: All the civil rights of all minorities came about by the MAJORITY WILL. Women received the right to vote and own land, blacks received their freedom and the right to vote and own property..etc., BECAUSE the majority allowed the passage of these acts of laws. And once again it must be pointed out this nation still defines itself as a Christian Nation by majority.
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'Christianity' (especially as used in the 'States) is a meaningless term. By and large, what Jesus is said to have preached in the Gospels seems convincing - essentially, socialism. Read them and then look at the first post.

Bull Shit....Jesus was no socialist, he was no radical according to the Holy Bible..the very source of Christian Doctrine. Jesus was in the truest sense...a CONSERVATIVE as He was Born a Jew, Lived as a Jew and was the only Human Being to fulfill all the LAW of MOSES by walking His entire life void of any Jewish Sin as described in Jewish Law....He drew His last breath as a physical human a sinless Jew. The quint essential Conservative in all walks of His life. Do you know what Jewish history taught about socialism? Every man was to work out his lively hood from the ground or starve. Your neighbor's don't owe you a thing. Christians give through acts of compassion...but a Christian that does not protect and provide for his own family is worse than an infidel.

All documented in Scripture.
Bull Shit....Jesus was no socialist, he was no radical according to the Holy Bible..the very source of Christian Doctrine. Jesus was in the truest sense...a CONSERVATIVE as He was Born a Jew, Lived as a Jew and was the only Human Being to fulfill all the LAW of MOSES by walking His entire life void of any Jewish Sin as described in Jewish Law....He drew His last breath as a physical human a sinless Jew. The quint essential Conservative in all walks of His life. Do you know what Jewish history taught about socialism? Every man was to work out his lively hood from the ground or starve. Your neighbor's don't owe you a thing. Christians give through acts of compassion...but a Christian that does not protect and provide for his own family is worse than an infidel.

All documented in Scripture.

mr. ralph, I appreciate your passion for the truth and the faith. this is not a rebuke. you are wasting your energy on predestined damned fools; casting your precious rhema to, as it were "pearls before swine". been there, done that. let them perish.
Bull Shit....Jesus was no socialist, he was no radical according to the Holy Bible..the very source of Christian Doctrine. Jesus was in the truest sense...a CONSERVATIVE as He was Born a Jew, Lived as a Jew and was the only Human Being to fulfill all the LAW of MOSES by walking His entire life void of any Jewish Sin as described in Jewish Law....He drew His last breath as a physical human a sinless Jew. The quint essential Conservative in all walks of His life. Do you know what Jewish history taught about socialism? Every man was to work out his lively hood from the ground or starve. Your neighbor's don't owe you a thing. Christians give through acts of compassion...but a Christian that does not protect and provide for his own family is worse than an infidel.

All documented in Scripture.

Examine the approach of the early Church. You'll find it detailed in Acts. Read the Magnificat a few hundred times, and the Sermon on the Mount, the parable of Dives and Lazarus. Etcetera. etcetera, etcetera.
Bull Shit....Jesus was no socialist, he was no radical according to the Holy Bible..the very source of Christian Doctrine. Jesus was in the truest sense...a CONSERVATIVE as He was Born a Jew, Lived as a Jew and was the only Human Being to fulfill all the LAW of MOSES by walking His entire life void of any Jewish Sin as described in Jewish Law....He drew His last breath as a physical human a sinless Jew. The quint essential Conservative in all walks of His life. Do you know what Jewish history taught about socialism? Every man was to work out his lively hood from the ground or starve. Your neighbor's don't owe you a thing. Christians give through acts of compassion...but a Christian that does not protect and provide for his own family is worse than an infidel.

All documented in Scripture.

What page in the bible says that??
Examine the approach of the early Church. You'll find it detailed in Acts. Read the Magnificat a few hundred times, and the Sermon on the Mount, the parable of Dives and Lazarus. Etcetera. etcetera, etcetera.

None of them advocate mass murder, so, no support for your vaunted Marxism, taffy.
Christianity is a fraud

any greater being religion is basically a fraud

there is no gods or monsters in reality.

don't hurt anyone and I dont care what you believe

don't try to force your beliefs on others and don't USE it to control people

unfortunately sociopaths always do
'Christianity' (especially as used in the 'States) is a meaningless term. By and large, what Jesus is said to have preached in the Gospels seems convincing - essentially, socialism. Read them and then look at the first post.

Socialism, in the sense it is used today, involves government mandates. Jesus didn't use the government to mandate things he preached.

Doing something to voluntarily help someone because you care isn't socialism. However, you dumbshit socialists think charity can be mandated.
any greater being religion is basically a fraud

there is no gods or monsters in reality.

don't hurt anyone and I dont care what you believe

don't try to force your beliefs on others and don't USE it to control people

unfortunately sociopaths always do

You mean like Obamacare and the concept of mandated charity held by you socialists?
Bull Shit....Jesus was no socialist, he was no radical according to the Holy Bible..the very source of Christian Doctrine. Jesus was in the truest sense...a CONSERVATIVE as He was Born a Jew, Lived as a Jew and was the only Human Being to fulfill all the LAW of MOSES by walking His entire life void of any Jewish Sin as described in Jewish Law....He drew His last breath as a physical human a sinless Jew. The quint essential Conservative in all walks of His life. Do you know what Jewish history taught about socialism? Every man was to work out his lively hood from the ground or starve. Your neighbor's don't owe you a thing. Christians give through acts of compassion...but a Christian that does not protect and provide for his own family is worse than an infidel.

All documented in Scripture.

"The Bible is the word of God"
"How can you be sure it's the word of God?"
"Because the Bible tells us so"
"Why believe the Bible?
"The Bible is infallible"
"How do you know it's infallible?"...

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I've had an interest in how religion relates to different political happenings for a while, and I found some interesting information on the relation of Christianity to governmental tyranny. Christianity is a religion created to instill traits ideal for slaves, such as submission, blind obedience, and "turning the other cheek." Research into Christianity also proves it to be a total fraud, based on the amount of things it has clearly stolen from other religions traditions. If you have an interest in this, researching it on your own can be helpful. I've found the website "Exposing Christianity" to be helpful to me.

What do people think of organized religions's connection to governmental conspiracies? Has anyone else here looked into this particular theory?

Thank you!