The contradictions inherent in the current international monetary and trade systems


The US made it's dollar the basis of international trade through treaties after WWII, that's the entire purpose of the IMF, safeguarding the dollar centered economic system. Sanctions should not be understood as one sovereign voluntarily refusing to trade with another, it should be understood as an attempt to impose an artificial famine, blockade, and siege upon a disobedient perceived province by a global empire, in order to compel obedience and submission to the global empire. The mayor of the city is not at fault for the starvation of the people during a siege, it is the army surrounding it that is at fault.

Ironically this entire international Dollar reserve currency system is the cause of many of the economic problems that America has. For instance America has constant trade deficits, because to back up their own currencies other countries essentially have to flood America with goods, and horde the dollars they get in return to back up their own currency so that they can successfully engage in economic trade with other nations that aren't even America. America gets flooded with so many goods that it puts their own businesses out of business, it has products but no customers for its own businesses, because those third countries can't afford to spend precious dollars to buy American goods, and thus risk the collapse of their currency. (Currency collapse being the usual results of trade deficits in countries that aren't America - people often forgot that America's trade deficits issue is very unique to it, usually trade deficits would mean you eventually have to go begging to the IMF, this of course never happens to America because Dollars are horded, and not returned into the money supply like normal currency would be; America is the only country that has the unique experience of being flooded with cheap consumer goods from other nations as a result of trade deficits).

These other countries, they have the exact opposite issue, they have work and business, but little in the way of consumer goods. Pressure builds and builds, some economies become ever increasingly dominated purely by consumption, others become more and more dominated by production, one economy buys but cannot sell, the other sells but cannot buy, eventually the system freezes and the wheels grind to a halt as these unbalanced economies fall over themselves.

As well America's issues with immigration. Think about, why is a worker of the same skill level able to get so much more value working in America than doing the same thing back home? This is largely due to the outsized, massive value of remittances from work done in America, because it is paid for in dollars, when those precious dollars are returned home. This creates tremendous pressure on people in countries to come to America and work for dollars and send them back home, because it's often one of the few reliable sources of dollars for countries like those in Central America that don't have government clever enough to play the trade game like China. And this inevitably creates tremendous pressure for immigration.

Americans constantly complain about this stuff. Without even a hint of perception for the other side. In fact if I bring these topics up to other Americans and mention the perspective of the third world, often I get some immediate instinctual eye roll, like there's some sort of inherent revulsion for having to consider the material interests of other people in your brain for a millisecond. They don't understand how inherently related it all is. They love having the global reserve currency to lord power over disobedient subjects. They want to control immigration with walls, force other countries to import from the United States with tariffs and bullying.

You can build a damn but eventually you'll get a flood that will make it burst. If other countries didn't flood America with goods, they would run out of dollars and their governments would collapse into anarchy and chaos. This probably wouldn't even solve the trade imbalance; the governments would just cling ever more desperately onto the dollars left over, they'd pull it out of their people, their people's produce would collapse, and it would nullify any gains America had made. If you create special green pieces of paper that literally is life and death to all the people of the Earth, they can and will do anything to obtain it.

The key is to get rid of the reserve currency system, get rid of the privileged position of the dollar. And with it it's ability to lord over other nations and crush them into oblivion for being disobedient to the empire. Americans don't understand dialectics, they only want to understand one side, their side; the other side, that is a thought that disgusts them, it is treasonous to get into that state of mind. But they can't even resolve their own problems, if they don't understand both parts of the contradiction. They have a series of malformed dialectics, where America is all good, all it's material interests are all good, and just everyone else is bad and evil and mean to America for not giving into the impossible set of circumstances that would have to be for America to have all of its the material interests it believes itself entitled to satisfied. The narcissist doesn't just destroy others, they destroy themselves as well.