Who is funding the medicade and medicare programs? The people. So, it is a tax payer paid program that seems free to the people that have it. Darn, I have a hang nail--I need to go to the ER. I have a head ache, I need to go to ER. I am a wimp that never learned how to take care of myself--I need to go to ER. I don't have a job because our education system stinks, and I never learned how to earn anything for myself, because I know I will be taken care of--I need to go to ER, just to say hello to my friends.
Is it a suprise to anyone that it is abused more than any other system? The S-chip is abused like crazy also--and allowed, even encouraged to be abused.
If there is one person who is like theMAJORITY of the people out there that actually lives from pay check to pay check--and supports socialized health care---my money says you will not retire, or you will retire very poor if socialized health care happens in this country. The country with the fattest government on earth. There is not one country that does not tax their citizans under 50% of their income. The American people can not afford that. Get your head out of the sand and stop begging for welfare. Most people are living to pay the bills, and that is about it. Socialized health care will break the back bone of this country. The peoples ability to take care of themself--and make their own choices. Welfare?---no thanks--I want to take care of myself, like every American has the right to do.
Please show me where socialism health care is a right? Welfare babies.
My prediction, if this country goes to a socialized health care system.
1) I will state that the growing poverty level (growing now from greedy globalization and bad trad deals that hurt our people right now), will grow almost exponentially, to the tune of 30% of the population entering poverity. But, we do still have some good paying jobs in the health care industry---right?
2) Those decient paying health care jobs will be next to go (after the private industries have desolved--knocking down many peoples standard of living to a lower level also). What is going to stop the government from replacing doctors and nurses, that retire, with immigrant cheap labor, because they were trained cheaply from their respective contries. Did you know that it is because of the free market, that we have the best medical expertese and methods in the world?
IMO, we need to stream line the current free market system. To do that, we need to reduce the expensive size of the government, so people can afford insurance. When people can afford it (like we did a short 20 years ago), we can almost stop the abuse that raises preimums.
Isn't it amazing, that a government "for the people, by the people" and a free market system was a joke in the rest of the world with cultures that were thousands of years old. Thats right--over 200 years ago, the rest of the world thought the USA expeiment was a joke. Yet--in a short 130 years (approx), we became the most prosperous country in the world!!!!
IMO--other countries should try to be more like us----not the other way around.
We love this country for a reason--but most of us forgot that reason and think welfare is a good thing.