The Costs Sexceed The Benefits

cancel2 2022


(I am going to Tanzania to do charity work, and am at a local clinic to see the nurse about vaccinations.)

Nurse: “Okay, so we’ve scheduled in appointments for you to have the Hep A and Typhoid vaccines. We’d really highly recommend several of these other vaccines though.”
Me: “Well, since I was highly allergic to the last vaccines I was given, I’m not keen on taking many more. So, I’d rather have these as a preliminary to see how things go.”
Nurse: “We really do recommend you have the Hep B vaccine.”
Me: “Well, I would, but I’d rather test how these others go first, since they’re the first I’ve had since my reaction.”
Nurse: “I think it’s still wise that you get the Hep B vaccination.”
Me: “I may be interested in the future, but not just yet. Besides, it’s three injections rather than the one, and it’s not free like the others.”
Nurse: “I can assure you the £180 is well worth the investment.”
Me: “Yes, but I don’t want to schedule myself in for three appointments for those when I don’t know how I’m going to react to the first two.”
Nurse: “I think you’ll change your mind. You really should have Hep B.”
Me: “How do you even get Hepatitis B anyway?”
Nurse: “Well, there are two methods of transmission. We recommend you get it if you’re going to be having sex because it’s mostly sexually transmitted.”
Me: “That won’t be a problem. I won’t be having sex while I’m in Tanzania.”
Nurse: “But you’re going for a couple of months. You’re young; you won’t be able to resist.”
Me: “I can assure you I don’t need the vaccine.”
Nurse: “But what if you meet someone? There’s lots of attractive women over there, and one thing will lead to another.”
Me: “That won’t be an issue.”
Nurse: “Why not?”
Me: “Because I’m gay, and homosexual acts carry a jail sentence. I think I’ll manage to refrain for two months.”
Nurse: “Oh… yeah, you probably don’t need the vaccine then…”
What? Is this supposed to be funny?

I am curious though, are you an anti-vaxxer too?

Since you are so curious, I only ever had a Hepatitis B injection once when I went to Thailand to work in 1985. IT made me so sick that I never had one again. As for the comedic value, I found it amusing evidently you didn't. Big deal!!
Since you are so curious, I only ever had a Hepatitis B injection once when I went to Thailand to work in 1985. IT made me so sick that I never had one again. As for the comedic value, I found it amusing evidently you didn't. Big deal!!

But do you buy into the pseudo science and woo against vaccines like you do on GMOs and global warming?
That tom's never had sex I naturally assumed, but I didn't know Tom was a fag. Which begs to question: why is he so preoccupied with raping women?
That tom's never had sex I naturally assumed, but I didn't know Tom was a fag. Which begs to question: why is he so preoccupied with raping women?

I wonder how I managed to have two sons, I guess they were both immaculate conceptions! Oh and just for you, here is my youngest son on his sixteenth birthday skydiving.

I wonder how I managed to have two sons, I guess they were both immaculate conceptions! Oh and just for you, here is my youngest son on his sixteenth birthday skydiving.

good for your boy.

hes a right fine looking young lad.

you must be very proud
Not really. I'm not going to respond to posts with claims ala your buddy 007 about a 16 year old punk who may or may not be yours.

He is twenty now for what it is worth. Seeing as you are so clever you might notice that the person who posted that video is tprender and it is dated 2009. Are you implying that I went back in time to post it just to trap you!! :palm: