The Court of Lame is Now in Session: Beefy Charged.


on indefiniate mod break
The People of justplainpolitics - with emphasis on Grind, Plaintiffs.


Beefy, Defendant.

The Court of Lame hereby brings capital charges against the aforementioned defendant, Mr. Beefy. On a matter pertaining to yesterday when Mr. Beefy closed a thread concerning dano and ib1's slapfest.

The charges are as follows:

1) Being Lame and closing a thread and acting super cool because you can do that
2) He was super lame.

This Court will accept no plea.

We, the Court of Lame hereby find Mr. Beefy GUILTY of all the above charges.

Justice Grind
JustPlainPolitics Court of Lame
The People of justplainpolitics - with emphasis on Grind, Plaintiffs.


Beefy, Defendant.

The Court of Lame hereby brings capital charges against the aforementioned defendant, Mr. Beefy. On a matter pertaining to yesterday when Mr. Beefy closed a thread concerning dano and ib1's slapfest.

The charges are as follows:

1) Being Lame and closing a thread and acting super cool because you can do that
2) He was super lame.

This Court will accept no plea.

We, the Court of Lame hereby find Mr. Beefy GUILTY of all the above charges.

Justice Grind
JustPlainPolitics Court of Lame

Dear Grind,

You are a loser.

Love, WM
The People of justplainpolitics - with emphasis on Grind, Plaintiffs.


Beefy, Defendant.

The Court of Lame hereby brings capital charges against the aforementioned defendant, Mr. Beefy. On a matter pertaining to yesterday when Mr. Beefy closed a thread concerning dano and ib1's slapfest.

The charges are as follows:

1) Being Lame and closing a thread and acting super cool because you can do that
2) He was super lame.

This Court will accept no plea.

We, the Court of Lame hereby find Mr. Beefy GUILTY of all the above charges.

Justice Grind
JustPlainPolitics Court of Lame


Grind, I don't moderate for shit, you know that. Like I'm some evil egotistical moderater just drooling to moderate? I hate moderating. I closed the thread because veiled threats were starting to appear, and the last thing we need is one of these hotheads to post private information to prove they have a bigger epeen.

If you can't see the veiled threats, then you need to read Caro's Book of Tells.

Grind, I don't moderate for shit, you know that. Like I'm some evil egotistical moderater just drooling to moderate? I hate moderating. I closed the thread because veiled threats were starting to appear, and the last thing we need is one of these hotheads to post private information to prove they have a bigger epeen.

If you can't see the veiled threats, then you need to read Caro's Book of Tells.

cool. I wanna read it. which thread?

Grind, I don't moderate for shit, you know that. Like I'm some evil egotistical moderater just drooling to moderate? I hate moderating. I closed the thread because veiled threats were starting to appear, and the last thing we need is one of these hotheads to post private information to prove they have a bigger epeen.

If you can't see the veiled threats, then you need to read Caro's Book of Tells.

I think that you did the right thing, and I think you deserve a long, theraputic massage as a result. Not whatever Grind has in mind for you.
Beefy do you really think anyone listens to a thing Grind says?

No worries dude we all know hes a spoiled reactive teenager.
I hereby sentence Mr. Beefy to -20 GRINDPOINTS. Effective Immediately.

Justice Grind
JustPlainPolitics Court
desh, beefy is semi-smart enough to know I'm just having fun with him. You are not smart enough to know that, so be quiet.
Man are you clueless.

sheese kids.

Desh's response to anyone that can own her in debate, regardless of age. Of course, I suppose that I would call everyone a kid, too, if I had been around to watch the Constitution signed (although it is ironic that she is so old and never learned how to spell or construct a decent sentence).
Desh's response to anyone that can own her in debate, regardless of age. Of course, I suppose that I would call everyone a kid, too, if I had been around to watch the Constitution signed (although it is ironic that she is so old and never learned how to spell or construct a decent sentence).

You keep telling yourself you own people.

I have met young people who deserve respect.

This guy is nothing more than a kid who uses the internets to vent his rage at his parents.

I am old, Im 50 years old as a matter of fact. I love being old.

It gives one a real perspective if it is employed correctly.

I fear you may never truely understand that point of view.
I actually have no problem with my parents and I've had a good upbringing. Thanks for assuming and passing judgement though desh. Nor am I an angry individual. My angry sample is just a bit inflated on this site because there are so many idiots.
You keep telling yourself you own people.

I have met young people who deserve respect.

This guy is nothing more than a kid who uses the internets to vent his rage at his parents.

I am old, Im 50 years old as a matter of fact. I love being old.

It gives one a real perspective if it is employed correctly.

I fear you may never truely understand that point of view.

50 isn't old. It's the new 40.
I like my grey hair ,I like my wrinkles, I wear my reading glasses on top of my head like a fashion statement.

I like that AARP now recognises me. This country needs to start valuing age again.

I am old and proud ,say it loud!
Beefy do you really think anyone listens to a thing Grind says?

No worries dude we all know hes a spoiled reactive teenager.

Desh, you're a Boomer, right? If so, please refrain from criticizing youth, as we're not supposed to listen to anyone over 30. If not, I apologize for my insensitive slander.
I like my grey hair ,I like my wrinkles, I wear my reading glasses on top of my head like a fashion statement.

I like that AARP now recognises me. This country needs to start valuing age again.

I am old and proud ,say it loud!

LOL A Kaboomer talks about the value of age! Geez, getting old has really killed off your generation's memory cells...