The cross is a powerful reminder of the religious stealing from the dead

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
Long before the religious stole the cross from the dead while using it to glorify Catholicism used to slaughter and oppress the Roman Empire much like islam is being used to slaughter western civs now, crosses have always been the standard mark of the graves of the dead to make people aware of a grave site.



Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
I thought it was the 'Crucifix'. The standard device to administer capitol punishment in the olden days?
Long before the religious stole the cross from the dead while using it to glorify Catholicism used to slaughter and oppress the Roman Empire much like islam is being used to slaughter western civs now, crosses have always been the standard mark of the graves of the dead to make people aware of a grave site.



Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

Yeah.....Catholicism "oppressed" the Roman Empire.....that's like saying the police oppressed a bank robber. ROME used a false flag perverted Christianity to oppress the entire western civilization for 1500 years.....plunging the world into the dark ages because of man made religious dogma. This perverted religion ruled the world from Rome and brought us such noble quests as the Crusades and the Inquisitions. It was a crime for a lay person to even have a copy of the Holy Scriptures. By Catholic law all scriptures were translated into a dead language (original Roman language) that took special education to comprehend (Latin) that only the elite ruling class of the church could legally access. ROME used its false religion of Catholicism to conquer the world...….making the POPE god of this world.

The only good thing to come from Roman Catholicism is the protestant movement that directly led to the founding of the United States of America when reformed Christians picked up their Bibles (after the advent of the printing press that allowed the lay person to have access to an English Translation of the Holy Scriptures) and moved to the new world to practice religious freedom after 1500 years of Catholic suppression of a true Sola Scriptura doctrine of Christianity. True Christianity is never forced upon anyone by a STATE Military.....the true kingdom of God rests within the convert in their spirit ….their heart...not as a state dictated mandatory false religion.
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