The Current Melancholy JPP Far Left Loons.


Well-known member
The current (hence, a current event) melancholy, far left JPP loons are in a funk.

The best they can do is to be apologists for terrorists and state sponsors of terrorism.

Their attempt to remove a sitting president (another current event) who was elected by the American people, is on the verge of collapse in the Senate. When our great president, President Trump, is exonerated in the Senate and reelected in Nov. (Michael Moore agrees) they will require industrial strength psychological counseling.

Their lack of patriotism during the Iran matter will be remembered by Middle Americans who are watching.

They are morbidly politically misguided.
Where have all the flowers gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the flowers gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the flowers gone?
Girls have picked them every one
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?
Where have all the young girls gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the young girls gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the young girls gone?
Taken husbands every one
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?
Where have all the young men gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the young men gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the young men gone?
Gone for soldiers every one
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?
Where have all the soldiers gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the soldiers gone?
Long time ago

Pete Seeger
The current (hence, a current event) melancholy, far left JPP loons are in a funk.

The best they can do is to be apologists for terrorists and state sponsors of terrorism.

Their attempt to remove a sitting president (another current event) who was elected by the American people, is on the verge of collapse in the Senate. When our great president, President Trump, is exonerated in the Senate and reelected in Nov. (Michael Moore agrees) they will require industrial strength psychological counseling.

Their lack of patriotism during the Iran matter will be remembered by Middle Americans who are watching.

They are morbidly politically misguided.

I shy away from election predictions but it has been a rough week for the left.

The other day I was trying to recall the last time we/the president made a slam dunk foreign policy move in the Middle East and I was coming up empty. Though granted, taking out OBL was a slam dunk but that was largely symbolic.

Assassinating Soleimani was *consequential* by comparison. Iran knows where the Red Line is now and we know they won’t cross it—and are in no shape to cross it. Kim in NK is taking notes. Iran is considerably weaker now on account of losing Soleimani.

The impeachment* is on the rails—as predicted. House Democrats knew the Senate wasn’t going to play along when they passed the articles; Pelosi tried to ‘leverage’ The Turtle and the Senate with something they didn’t want to begin with. Now Nancy can only continue to sit on the articles and face irrelevancy or hand them over to the Senate so they can acquit Trump, finally.

Like I said, the outcome was fairly predictable from the get go. But Democrats got their Trump impeachment* and apparently they were willling to pay any price for it.
I shy away from election predictions but it has been a rough week for the left.

The other day I was trying to recall the last time we/the president made a slam dunk foreign policy move in the Middle East and I was coming up empty. Though granted, taking out OBL was a slam dunk but that was largely symbolic.

Assassinating Soleimani was *consequential* by comparison. Iran knows where the Red Line is now and we know they won’t cross it—and are in no shape to cross it. Kim in NK is taking notes. Iran is considerably weaker now on account of losing Soleimani.

The impeachment* is on the rails—as predicted. House Democrats knew the Senate wasn’t going to play along when they passed the articles; Pelosi tried to ‘leverage’ The Turtle and the Senate with something they didn’t want to begin with. Now Nancy can only continue to sit on the articles and face irrelevancy or hand them over to the Senate so they can acquit Trump, finally.

Like I said, the outcome was fairly predictable from the get go. But Democrats got their Trump impeachment* and apparently they were willling to pay any price for it.

You gave them wise counseling, an off ramp with "censure."

Sounds like lemmings, sailing off the impeachment cliff.

Somehow, I don't feel sorry for them.

Can you imagine the vitriol from the squad when the president is exonerated? promised he would be removed from office. Lol

Rhetorical question.
The current (hence, a current event) melancholy, far left JPP loons are in a funk.

The best they can do is to be apologists for terrorists and state sponsors of terrorism.

Their attempt to remove a sitting president (another current event) who was elected by the American people, is on the verge of collapse in the Senate. When our great president, President Trump, is exonerated in the Senate and reelected in Nov. (Michael Moore agrees) they will require industrial strength psychological counseling.

Their lack of patriotism during the Iran matter will be remembered by Middle Americans who are watching.

They are morbidly politically misguided.

!. No one has a problem with taking out Soleimani.
2. The Problem is the Location, coming from the Baghdad Airport. That's like killing this guy as he leaves*London Airport or Berlin Airport.
3. What's wrong with taking this guy out as he assembles with his Militias in Syria, Lebanon, or Bum-Fuck Iraq? Last time I heard, Iraq was our ally and Baghdad wasn't part of the Kill Zone.

Trump extorted the Leader of Ukraine to 'smear'*a Political Rival. NOT something we want Future Presidents to emulate. (a lot more important than getting a blow job in the White House)
!. No one has a problem with taking out Soleimani.
2. The Problem is the Location, coming from the Baghdad Airport. That's like killing this guy as he leaves*London Airport or Berlin Airport.
3. What's wrong with taking this guy out as he assembles with his Militias in Syria, Lebanon, or Bum-Fuck Iraq? Last time I heard, Iraq was our ally and Baghdad wasn't part of the Kill Zone.

Trump extorted the Leader of Ukraine to 'smear'*a Political Rival. NOT something we want Future Presidents to emulate. (a lot more important than getting a blow job in the White House)

The cunt should have been wasted in 2007 by the SAS ffs!!
That was ugly, Jacky.

Take it back.

You don't appear too jubilant.

"Mierda" is Spanish, do you know what it means, Jacky?

Look this one up, "cabron."

'Earl of Shit'. Sounds pretty accurate. 'Earl de la Cabron' has a nice ring to it, is THAT what you want?