The curse of Chief Cornstalk

I peddle dope and now I tell people what to do.


I called the school. I need to talk to the kid. Your wife said you're not allowed.
The Principal over the loudspeaker. We're on lockdown mr. so and so is planning
a terrorist attack. The kid sends a text. RELAX TAKE IT EASY CHILL OUT. I have
to call the lawyer and he picks up the phone$$$$ Problem solved.

Now when you took a hook to the jaw did you feel your brain rattle?
When you got popped in your chin. Did your body get a jolt that felt
like a electrical shock? Can you remember if you were biting down on
your mouth piece when this happened. When his fist bounced of your
skull did you happen to experience a big flash of flight. Did you clinch
your fists properly and always have your guard up? Can you remember
how you reacted during this experience. Did you blink an eye? Were
you able to hold you composure and fight your way out without anyone
noticing? I VOTED FOR HIM!
