The Curse of Noah


New member
I was going to spill this with more connections to the current police state we live under, but not today...

Now I will reveal to you the story of Noah. Noah had attempted to soothe those who worshipped Bachuss by engaging in their rituals. He wanted to engage and convert them or at the very least show them he meant no harm and help them to live in harmony with one another. He became drunk and foolish and went to pass out in his tent. Canaan, who Noah had likely reprimanded or warned about the temptations of Bachuss was suspicious, morbidly curious and pulled back the door of his father's tent. He showed his brothers and giggled. He acted like a bully. Canaan's brothers, being good boys who loved and trusted their father, covered Noah. When Noah awoke he flew into a rage and cursed Canaan. Not with magic but with words. But he cursed himself too. One lost his father, the other his son. He cursed Noahs brothers who lost their brother. It has nothing to do with race. It has to do with division, hatred and fear of an unknown cutlure. The tongue is forked. It is a double edged blade and it always cuts both ways.

The story is repeated over and over and over again throughout the Bible, films and music.

Their is some indication that there may have been more perversion going on. It is possible. The Bachuss faith was reveled in debauchery and based all on wine. Again, Noah is not a first hand account but transcribed from the oral traditions. These were men barely out of the cave and mysogyny probably seemed very natural as slavery may have. Women were property only and treated as such. Or maybe you think we were more enlightened then. :)
Well, Noah probably didn't exist, but either way, the above is pointless speculation. Next...

As I stated, Noah is a character from the oral traditions. He existed, as that and any connection to a real person was just a literary device and clouded through the ages.

As for the point, it makes for a more coherent tale once you remove the magic.
So is Odin. Does that mean Odin existed?

Odin is pure myth and a character from a very ancient period. Its all fairy tale but may well be based on some nuggets of truth. They were never meant to be taken literally. They were passed down for entertaiment purposes to the most imaginative and good at embellishment.

The Jews were more careful and took special care to train their scholars and rabbi's. It was serious work and meant for purposes of teaching their values and customs.

Either you guys are goofing around or you gave up on your pretentions too soon. Maybe both.