APP - The cynical game of chicken the democrat party is playing


Everyone knows the democrats stole the election. There are too many statistical anomalies. There are too many affidavits. There is VIDEO evidence.

But, the democrat party is confident that they will get away with it for a few reasons

1) They know that the Democrat Media Industrial Complex is in the tank for them and will not do any serious investigative reporting. In addition they will censor all evidence. The press is the enemy of the people
2) They have enough RINO NeverTrumpers to give them "bipartisan" support
3) And this is the most cynical ploy of all, they are essentially daring any judge to "throw out the votes of millions of people". They are waiting for it. They want to be able to say that "millions of people were disenfranchised"

They are essentially betting on the cowardice of those put in place to do the right thing. So far their gambit is working. With massive amounts of evidence presented, those in power are showing their moral cowardice.

Even if this does not work out in Trumps favor, 74 million people will never forget and will never accept Beijing Buyden as a legitimate President. Now that presupposes that the marxists who have stolen this election care. They do not. They only care about power. In fact they were so brazen, I think they wanted to get caught. They wanted to show that they can get away with anything they want and the people are powerless to stop. We the people are a nuisance to them. Elections are just a ruse to keep the populace at bay while the "elites" really run the show.