The Dangers of Hiking


JPP Modarater

This is why I'm not "outdoorsy"

Hikes are for suckers/lion food
I thought of you, LadyT, on reading this story today. :) Mountain lions are 'way more dangerous than bears; they're perfect, savage predators. I wouldn't go hiking where they were known to be!

That was one very brave woman, though!
I thought of you, LadyT, on reading this story today. :) Mountain lions are 'way more dangerous than bears; they're perfect, savage predators. I wouldn't go hiking where they were known to be!

That was one very brave woman, though!

Mountain lion attacks on humans are extremely rare, and they generally try to avoid humans.
True, but if they do attack, your chances of surviving are slim at best. These are powerful animals.

But its nothing to live in fear of. The chances are so remote. I would never go in the ocean, if I lived in fear of shark attacks.
again... it comes down to being prepared. You have to know what could be lurking around you.

That's the point. You don't konw what's lurking around you. And now this guys face looks like it went through a meat grinder.
I thought of you, LadyT, on reading this story today. :) Mountain lions are 'way more dangerous than bears; they're perfect, savage predators. I wouldn't go hiking where they were known to be!

That was one very brave woman, though!

Yeah. She kicked a$$, I think I would have done it too if it were my husband.
Mountain lion attacks on humans are extremely rare, and they generally try to avoid humans.

Right. And your chances are greatly increased if you're frolicking about in there territory. This is why instead of hiking you should go on a treadmill and maybe watch discovery.
"That's the point. You don't konw what's lurking around you. And now this guys face looks like it went through a meat grinder."

Ummmm, it is not hard to find out the types of animals that inhabit the area that you plan to hike. I have been hiking all over the country and never been attacked... and very rarely even approached.

By your logic, you should never go out on the streets in NYC or Detroit or Chicago etc.... cause you might get attacked by a mugger. I guarantee you it is far more likely that you will be attacked by another human than it is that you would be attacked by an animal.... well except for pit bulls... those bastards need to be put down.
Right. And your chances are greatly increased if you're frolicking about in there territory. This is why instead of hiking you should go on a treadmill and maybe watch discovery.

LOL. You're such a city-slicker ;)

You're more likely to get hurt on a treadmill, than getting hurt in a lion attack. I think in the past twenty years, there been like 3 or 4 people killed by lions in california.

They're just big kitty-cats. If you know what to do, there hardly any chance they'll ever hurt you.
Well you city types should appreciate all the work and danger us farmers go to to bring you cheeseburgers and such....Pay us mo money!
Trampled by a momma cow with calf, etc...
True, but if they do attack, your chances of surviving are slim at best. These are powerful animals.
The chances increase if you fight back, lions are not used to their prey fighting back. They are used to it attempting to escape, but never fighting back...

That being said, I would never bring my girls hiking, at least the very young ones, in a place known to house mountain lions.
Right. And your chances are greatly increased if you're frolicking about in there territory. This is why instead of hiking you should go on a treadmill and maybe watch discovery.
Your chances of dying while driving are so much higher than your chances of dying while in the clutches of some animal you come upon while hiking that you should be paralyzed if you apply this logic everywhere. Shoot, humans die more often in the shower than they ever do while hiking in an area with mountain lions. On a per capita basis it is far, far more dangerous to take a shower than to hike in a place with lions.

As I said though, I would not take a small child hiking around mountain lions. If they become separated from you they are in far more danger than any adult who hikes.
Yep, more people die of lightening strikes on golf courses each year than by poision snakebite , lion attacks, bear attacks and shark attacks combined in thei country. The city is full of the most dangerous animal on the planet. Hoomans :eek:
LOL. You're such a city-slicker ;)

You're more likely to get hurt on a treadmill, than getting hurt in a lion attack. I think in the past twenty years, there been like 3 or 4 people killed by lions in california.

They're just big kitty-cats. If you know what to do, there hardly any chance they'll ever hurt you.

Well duh.....that's because I'm more likely to get on a treadmill than be near a mountain lion or any other cat for that matter.