APP - The Darkest Superbowl


While this piece could be in the politics section it speaks to an area that rarely gets coverage, the intersection of sports and politics. A man in church with his daughter thinking wtf is going on today in America. Sports is the new religion in America, the enormous flag and the bowing of heads, and the children on the playing fields during and after school. A new worship that includes multiple media channels and 24 hour service. Language warning for the squeamish.

"I promise you I wanna stick to sports, but I seem to lack that superpower at the moment. Right now, all I get are little breaks in the cloud cover, a precious few moments where I find myself preoccupied with some other sh-it before remembering, “Oh yeah, this guy is running rampant through the corridors of power.” They’re gonna play that anthem and I’m not gonna feel all groovy and hopeful inside. I’m gonna just be reminded of the 60 million or so Americans who voted for Trump and think “America” means them and no one else."

"I’m gonna make chili and drink as much beer as my gut can hold and tweet out limp jokes about !!! ads. I am ready to plunge headlong into the business of supreme gluttony. I am ready to be ready for some football."

"One cannot be deeply responsive to the world without being saddened very often." Erich Fromm
No comments? Should the NFL say something or is their world one in which control is money and money is fans?

"To watch a football game is to be in a prolonged neurotic doubt as to what you're seeing. It's more like an emergency happening at a distance than a game. I don't wonder the spectators take to drink."
Jacques Barzun
I like football. American football, not fútbol. I like that our national anthem is played or sung prior to the games. I prefer they keep the politics out of it but that rarely happens. Liberalism infiltrated and now controls Hollywood. It is the predominate voice in the NBA. Liberals are trying very hard to push it on the NFL ... and they'll succeed.

The guy that wrote the article needs to spend more time in church and maybe he'd learn to clean up his language...IMO. I'm sorry he's sad that his guy lost the election. That's life in the USA.
anyone that can't just chill the fuck out and watch a football game without thinking about politics or donald trump no joke needs to see a psychiatrist. We are talking extremely unhealthy thought patterns. People need to give their brains a break and just turn off and just enjoy some damn entertainment.

Liberals really need to check their culture privilege.
I like football. American football, not fútbol. I like that our national anthem is played or sung prior to the games. I prefer they keep the politics out of it but that rarely happens. Liberalism infiltrated and now controls Hollywood. It is the predominate voice in the NBA. Liberals are trying very hard to push it on the NFL ... and they'll succeed.

The guy that wrote the article needs to spend more time in church and maybe he'd learn to clean up his language...IMO. I'm sorry he's sad that his guy lost the election. That's life in the USA.
i love football too but egalitarianism and inclusion are not just liberal values they are American values, just as Democracy is, and as I've stated before the lack of conservative identity politics is not evidence of liberal bias on their part but desiring it is bias on your behalf.
anyone that can't just chill the fuck out and watch a football game without thinking about politics or donald trump no joke needs to see a psychiatrist. We are talking extremely unhealthy thought patterns. People need to give their brains a break and just turn off and just enjoy some damn entertainment.

Liberals really need to check their culture privilege.
Really? I just noticed that LR just checked his culture bias in too.

Except for your last comment I agree with you. I love how sports can unite people of different races, religion, politics, culture and social status together in support of a community that sports team represents. It's amazing how weeks after bitter and divisive political election how Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Greens, Socialist, etc all united in my State to cheer on the Ohio State Football team and at that time we all forgot all that other stuff and became Buckeyes.

I also hate when I'm watching a game when some asinine frustrated wannabe news anchor projects their liberal politics (Bob Costas) or conservative politics (Howard Cosell) into the game. I'd prefer they just keep their histrionics to themselves and just call the damned game.
i love football too but egalitarianism and inclusion are not just liberal values they are American values, just as Democracy is, and as I've stated before the lack of conservative identity politics is not evidence of liberal bias on their part but desiring it is bias on your behalf.

I believe egalitarianism is a conservative value. I know no conservatives who don't believe in equal rights or equal pay. Inclusion is also alive and well. We are, as we always have been, a melting pot. The key being the melting part. I deem the cultural identity of this nation to be of paramount importance. Immigrants who have come here in the past, most of them anyway, have learned the dominant language and studied our history and have become citizens in the proper fashion.

To become a U.S. citizen, you must: 1. Meet certain eligibility requirements. 2. Be a legal permanent resident of the United States. 3. Go through the naturalization process

That process is still available. We are inclusive even though Trump is president. I do not see anything wrong with wanting to keep our cultural identity in tact. Many simply do not want to become Bigger Mexico or The Middle West. Our culture and our heritage are at stake. And like I have said many times on here, I'm not a wall guy but I am a law and order guy. Travel the border states especially at the borders (if you dare) and you will see why Trump's wall is so popular with so many of them. Their cultural identity is disappearing. Their sense of law and order are disappearing.

To the last of your points of "conservative identity politics," I suppose you're talking about my reference to Hollywood and the NBA and liberals having the dominate voice in those groups of people. It's true. I'll go even further ... ESPN is becoming/has become one of the most liberal channels on TV. There is absolutely a liberal bias present in that network. And I predict that it will only get more and more liberal. It's not a lack of "conservative identity politics" (you know, like firing Kurt Schilling or anyone with a right of center opinion) that makes them so. It is the presence of liberalism in every "opinion" piece they do. It's the voice they want people to hear from them. I don't often agree with Grind but I do on this one thing for sure...we're used to it.

Edit: I forgot to add that, like you and Grind, I'd love for them to shut up about politics and let me watch the stinkin' game.
You may see egalitarianism as a conservative value but by definition the notion that all people are equal socially, politically and before the law is by definition a liberal construct as it is the foundational concept of liberal democracy to which I would refer you our own Declaration of Independence and that its conservative counterpart is heirarchy and aristocracy.

As for your notion of our shared cultural identity having the experience of marrying an immigrant I can assure you that your positing a false dichotomy about our shared culture in that it is neither necessary or required to abandon your original cultural heritage to adopt our American one nor is recognizing the diversity of our cultural heritages a rejection of our common American identity nor are they mutually exclusive.

I say that neither as a conservative or a liberal but as a person who has dealt with the reality of an immigrant who has to balance assimilation while remaining connected to the culture of their birth. She has managed to do both well.
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