The day all the conservatives died






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Too independent and free-thinking?

A fish t-shirt? All of the non-independent evil non-thinking bastards will be dead.

By the way, the day all liberals are dead, there will not be any square-dancing, as that is incredibly gay.

That's the point.

I'm thinking something more disco than that!!

There shall be much discoing as well. Gratuitous amounts of alcohol shall be consumed.
Waterhead Baby... I think you should write to Obama and tell him of your desires to kill conservatives. No, really! I think they may actually like your ideas! Especially after the first of the year when the Death Tax goes up 136% ...Think of all the money those dead conservatives could generate?

The ONLY problem I see with your diabolic plan, is.... What are you liberal retards going to do, when everyone is liberal? I mean, you won't have anyone to be the target of your anger and angst anymore, so will you start to turn on liberals who aren't liberal enough? And how do you determine if someone IS liberal enough? Do you just go as far bat-shit crazy left as possible, and take another step toward insanity from there or something? I'm just curious about that.
Waterhead Baby... I think you should write to Obama and tell him of your desires to kill conservatives. No, really! I think they may actually like your ideas!

Read my tagline. Obama is a progressive, not a liberal. His ideology is nothing but surrender to conservatives. He is a coward. The Democrats are run by cowards who can think of nothing but how to please you evil sadistic animals who take pleasure in nothing other than the suffering of other human beings.

Especially after the first of the year when the Estate Tax

Is reinstated. Also, I provided you with the favor of fixing your error.

The ONLY problem I see with your angelic plan,

Is that it's too merciful towards you stupid evil animals.

is.... What are you liberal retards going to do, when everyone is liberal?

Live in peace and harmony, as humanity was meant to, before the first conservative took a look at another tribe who had something they wanted and murdered them for it, and then oppressed his tribe into supporting him. The first thing a conservative does every day is to masturbate to the local obituary and torture stray kittens. You guys are fucking scum.
Read my tagline. Obama is a progressive, not a liberal. His ideology is nothing but surrender to conservatives. He is a coward. The Democrats are run by cowards who can think of nothing but how to please you evil sadistic animals who take pleasure in nothing other than the suffering of other human beings.

We all have to have a hobby!

Is reinstated. Also, I provided you with the favor of fixing your error.

There was no error. Make sure to tell them not to start the genocide until after Jan 1, 2011... that's when the Bush Tax Cuts expire and it goes up 136% ...It would be a shame to lose all that revenue.

Is that it's too merciful towards you stupid evil animals.

You're such a smart fella... or is it... fart smella?

Live in peace and harmony, as humanity was meant to, before the first conservative took a look at another tribe who had something they wanted and murdered them for it, and then oppressed his tribe into supporting him. The first thing a conservative does every day is to masturbate to the local obituary and torture stray kittens. You guys are fucking scum.

Nah. After all this time being immersed in hate and vitriol, you'll go crazy! ...Oh wait, you already ARE crazy! You'll go insane... oh wait...
There was no error.

You mistakenly called the estate tax by another incorrect name that is inapplicable. I accept your apology and will make your death quick in thanks.

Make sure to tell them not to start the genocide until after Jan 1, 2011... that's when the Bush Tax Cuts expire and it goes up 136% ...It would be a shame to lose all that revenue.

Actually it will go from a rate of 0% to 50% on those who have a NW of some millions of dollars a year. That's not a 136% raise. That is actually an infinite raise. 1/3.
You mistakenly called the estate tax by another incorrect name that is inapplicable. I accept your apology and will make your death quick in thanks.

It was the correct name, you are mistaken. I accept your apology. If you want to kill me, I am at home right now. I'll make some popcorn and wait up! Will you be here soon? I've got things to do, don't keep me waiting!

Actually it will go from a rate of 0% to 50% on those who have a NW of some millions of dollars a year. That's not a 136% raise. That is actually an infinite raise. 1/3.

Actually, it is 35% this year, (see S.CON.RES.13) and will be 55% as of Jan. 1, 2011. In any event, you'll want to make sure the mass genocide of conservatives happens after Jan. 1, so you can get all that extra money.
I guess it was eliminated last year. I thought it immediately went back up to the old rate. The Republicans obviously didn't have enough votes to pass it without reconciliation, which comes with a mandatory sunset. I guess they thought they'd be in power now.
i support the coming revolution. I know I can never be apart of the grand celebration due to some of my conservative tendencies (I hate taxes and I looooove gun rights), but I hope I am granted at least a swift death.
i support the coming revolution. I know I can never be apart of the grand celebration due to some of my conservative tendencies (I hate taxes and I looooove gun rights), but I hope I am granted at least a swift death.

Only if you call being staked out over an ant hil, with your mouth and nose covered with an air tight breathing mask, and your eyes and ears taped closed; as a swift death.
The honey covering is optional.
i support the coming revolution. I know I can never be apart of the grand celebration due to some of my conservative tendencies (I hate taxes and I looooove gun rights), but I hope I am granted at least a swift death.

You are like a character I am writing in a short story, a kind British gentleman who leads a legion of horrible monsters who will eventually destroy everything in reality, reducing it to pure nothingnessss, and, as he knows, eventually him (they only keep him alive because of how useful he is in creating them). And he doesn't care.
You are like a character I am writing in a short story, a kind British gentleman who leads a legion of horrible monsters who will eventually destroy everything in reality, reducing it to pure nothingnessss, and, as he knows, eventually him (they only keep him alive because of how useful he is in creating them). And he doesn't care.

Ahh, an autobiography?