The day before


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It is now a day before the event and I am faced with mixed emotions. The larger part of me says that although Clinton is a flawed candidate she is immeasurably more experienced, smarter and yes, even more honest than Der Donald. Just today the dear man was speaking in Michigan and stated that he was voted Michigan "'Man of the Year" five years ago.

Of course he was not and there is no record of it happening but he had to lie off the top of his head. He lied about something that is completely meaningless. Why? The man is a compulsive, pathological liar. He lies as a matter of course for his personal agrandizement. No lie too small and none too big. That is a real and present danger should this man be elected.

There is a very real chance that this will be my last presidential election and a part of me would very much liketo see just what a Trump presidency would do to this nation.

I think there would be two possible scenarios. The first is thatTrump never really wanted to be president and will happily turn over the day to day running of government to someone else. Unfortunately he cannot adbicate responsibility and when the first thing goes wrong he will have to answer for it. No more climbing into the jet and leaving. No more bullschitting in front of the fox "news" team. The man is incapable of admitting error, even small error.

The second is much more intersting. Trump really wants the job and is willing to try to do all the idiotic things he has proposed. Of course the means to do them do not just suddenly materialize out of thin air. All of the democratic and half of the Republican parties hate his guts. He has vilified most of the Republican leadership and I really think there will be a war in trying to replace them. The best of this world is simply that congress will allow him to do nothing and of course he will oppose anything he does not sanction. His ego will allow no less. This may be the best we can hope for, four more years of dry rot while Washington diddles.

He has made all kinds of noise about "using his pen" to eliminate all kinds of things from single regulations to entire departments of government. Of course he is an idiot and his powers in this are quite limited. He can ignore enforcement but not on large scales and for long periods. He will face not only the courts but congress as well. Of course there is the small matter of the people but we have shown very little courage for a very long time.

As for foreign affairs? God, who knows. He has shown an affinity for allowing Russia greater sway in eastern Europe. He has also shown great ability ot offend and annoy while making idiotic, childish remarks. Here he can do great damage just by being Donald.

A great deal would depend on the integrity of what is left of the Republican party. So far this has not been encouraging as they cringe and squirm trying, at the same time, to distance themselves from as they kowtow to, Der Donald. Would they, as a group, stand up to this idiot? After having been safely elected they may grow a backbone but that too is a longshot. Very little, if any, integrity remains within the party.

Our country has been continually polarized by the republican party for the last thirty years. Throwing red meat to the base in the primary only to pivot back to the center in the general election. Der Donhald has not done that. He continues to throw the meat depending on what is a growing faction of a disintegrating party. The base has finally caught on, the question being is there enough of them to make the difference?

Worst case scenario? Riots, blood in the streets as the racist and fascist factions battle to get what they think they have been promised. How bad could it get? Once again only God knows as no one has had the guts to look these conditions in the eye and call out what they see. Just more pandering, excuses and of course more red meat.

What, me worry? Hell, I am an old fart and as I said this will very probably be may last presidential election.

Send in the clowns, or lions, or what have you. This is not the America I grew up in. As you sow, so shall you reap.