The Days of the GOP Draw to a Close


Yes, it's all over now. A cure is at hand . . .

BERLIN (Reuters) - A German scientist has been testing an "anti-stupidity" pill with encouraging results on mice and fruit flies, Bild newspaper reported Saturday.

It said Hans-Hilger Ropers, director at Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Genetics in Berlin, has tested a pill thwarting hyperactivity in certain brain nerve cells, helping stabilize short-term memory and improve attentiveness.

"With mice and fruit flies we were able to eliminate the loss of short-term memory," Ropers, 62, is quoted saying in the German newspaper, which has dubbed it the "world's first anti-stupidity pill."
Even without the pill the repubs are due to go into remission soon for another 20 yrs or so. Or at least till the people forget how bad they screwed things up.
Even without the pill the repubs are due to go into remission soon for another 20 yrs or so. Or at least till the people forget how bad they screwed things up.
Hey, if the "anti-stupid" pills work well enough, maybe people won't forget!

Nah. That's too much to hope for from pharmacology.