the dead woman who filed a criminal rape case against Bush

Aww just a myth kike some people actually say the Bush said there was WMD's in iraq. We all know that was just a scam by Pelosi to get into power.

I remember reading about it years ago Desh, and I didn't see any evidence there...however, there is no doubt that there was also zero evidence that Clinton had raped Broderick, and it was all over the news, including a 20/20 interview, which was huge.

But don't worry, because bush will be out of office soon, and the second a dem retakes the white house you may be assured there will be no accusation too flimsy for the media not to run with.
This is one wierd story and even if it was nothing but bullshit can you imagine no one knowing about it if it was Clinton?
To be sure, Schoedinger's accusations - which include being drugged and sexually assaulted numerous times by Bush and other men purporting to be FBI agents - are bizarre and hard for most people to believe. But her story fits in with those told by a growing number of people who say they were used as guinea pigs or whatever by members of the CIA or another U.S. agency who wanted to test out the latest mind-controlling drug or just have a strange form of release. And her death - let's just say government agents have made murders look like suicides before.

Darla, honestly, she committed suicide, and may very well have been a schizophrenic. People with schizophrenia often say things like "A celebrity went to my house and is stalking me" or "The government is after me". This just seems to be a combination of the two.
Darla, honestly, she committed suicide, and may very well have been a schizophrenic. People with schizophrenia often say things like "A celebrity went to my house and is stalking me" or "The government is after me". This just seems to be a combination of the two.

I didn't find her story remotely believable...but if I told that same story about Bill Clinton tomorrow, it'd get picked up. this didn't.

Wouldn't it be funny though, you know not ha-ha funny, if she was telling the truth? Sometimes the craziest shit is true, but that's the stuff no one ever believes.
I didn't find her story remotely believable...but if I told that same story about Bill Clinton tomorrow, it'd get picked up. this didn't.

Wouldn't it be funny though, you know not ha-ha funny, if she was telling the truth? Sometimes the craziest shit is true, but that's the stuff no one ever believes.

At any moment, Darla, Bush could have sex with anyone of 30% of America. And if he wanted to go around raping people, well, he wouldn't do it with the FBI...