APP - The democrat party is in a bind


It is clear to anyone who isn't a hyper partisan on the left that the Mueller investigation has gone off the rails. He has found ZERO Russian Collusion and it is becoming clearer by the day that the Obama administration was running an illegal spy operation on the Trump campaign

It is is also likely to come out that the FBI/DOJ didn't just botch the Clinton email investigation but it was a whitewash.

So the question for the democrat party is this.

When do they distance themselves from this train wreck? Prevailing conventional wisdom has the democrat party taking back the House of Representatives and history would seem to point to that happening, however if they cling to hard to this phony investigation they risk being taken down with it.

If the GOP is smart (and I don't believe they are), they would make impeachment an issue in the 2018 election. Put every democrat on the record