APP - The democrat party will not vote to impeach President Trump

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
You can take that to the bank.

Remember when the left was 100% confident that Robert Mueller gave them the breadcrumbs to impeachment over obstruction of justice? It was just a matter of time until articles were drawn up. Remember when the left said "the only reason Mueller didn't indict was because of DOJ policy"? Yeah, anyone remember the last time a JPP leftist posted about impeaching based on the Mueller Report? Anyone remember an elected democrat talking about it?

They know that Mueller was a bust. They know this is a bust. Nancy Pelosi can't take the risk of having her caucus on record voting.

You can save the post. You can take it to the bank. She will not vote to impeach. She will stall and stall and stall. And then in the end, she will just blame Mitch McConnell and Republicans because she didn't want to make it a "partisan affair"