The Democrat Party’s


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split personality (noun)

1a: schizophrenia —not used technically b: multiple personality disorder —not used technically

2: a dual nature or character a city with a split personality

Democrats always claimed their party was the Bar-None-Ranch —— room for everybody. In truth, the Democrat Party sought, encouraged, and protected every freak, every criminal, every pervert, every murderer, every baby butcher, and every traitor.

Most Americans know that Democrats gave the world non-existent racism, the myth of global warming, a one government world, and the Culture of Death to name a few of their contributions to civilization, but it was the way elected Democrats, federal bureaucrats, judges, and their media stooges murdered and profited from coronavirus that finally dragged the DNC’s darkest secret out of the basement and into the light of day —— THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S MULTIPLE PERSONALITIES IS A PATHOLOGICAL DISORDER THAT CONFIRMS THE MOST STRINGENT CLINICAL DIAGNOSES.


Let me close with a few examples of split personalities in action after they have political power in their hands:

Kill the elderly because it is too expensive to let them live after they can no longer produce for the government. Keep the elderly alive as medical industry guinea pigs.

Forcibly vaccinate everybody for their own good. Only manufacture vaccines that kill and/or sterilize one in 5, or 4, or 3, or 2, or as many as the population control crowd determine is necessary to make a better world.

Open the borders for illegal aliens. Kill diseased immigrants; sterilize stoop labor immigrants so they cannot reproduce.

Funding abortion with tax dollars is a woman’s Right to choose. In addition to population controls, selling baby parts is Planned Parenthood’s Right to make money.

Bottom line: Analyze everything Democrats say and you will always find their conspiracy of death beneath the surface of their compassion.
split personality (noun)

1a: schizophrenia —not used technically b: multiple personality disorder —not used technically

2: a dual nature or character a city with a split personality

Democrats always claimed their party was the Bar-None-Ranch —— room for everybody. In truth, the Democrat Party sought, encouraged, and protected every freak, every criminal, every pervert, every murderer, every baby butcher, and every traitor.

Most Americans know that Democrats gave the world non-existent racism, the myth of global warming, a one government world, and the Culture of Death to name a few of their contributions to civilization, but it was the way elected Democrats, federal bureaucrats, judges, and their media stooges murdered and profited from coronavirus that finally dragged the DNC’s darkest secret out of the basement and into the light of day —— THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S MULTIPLE PERSONALITIES IS A PATHOLOGICAL DISORDER THAT CONFIRMS THE MOST STRINGENT CLINICAL DIAGNOSES.

Let me close with a few examples of split personalities in action after they have political power in their hands:

Kill the elderly because it is too expensive to let them live after they can no longer produce for the government. Keep the elderly alive as medical industry guinea pigs.

Forcibly vaccinate everybody for their own good. Only manufacture vaccines that kill and/or sterilize one in 5, or 4, or 3, or 2, or as many as the population control crowd determine is necessary to make a better world.

Open the borders for illegal aliens. Kill diseased immigrants; sterilize stoop labor immigrants so they cannot reproduce.

Funding abortion with tax dollars is a woman’s Right to choose. In addition to population controls, selling baby parts is Planned Parenthood’s Right to make money.

Bottom line: Analyze everything Democrats say and you will always find their conspiracy of death beneath the surface of their compassion.

You should really consider learning English.
We call that Bullshit down here in Texas, and he piled it on deep there.

What is amazing is that someone actually spent time coming up with all the nonsense, guess everyone has to have a hobby....

I suspect that person copies that junk and dumps it on several political forums.
I suspect that person copies that junk and dumps it on several political forums.

Very Probable, most far right are too stupid to even come up with this sort of nonsense, just not in their skill set and instead they copy and post whatever propaganda they are being fed. What is cute when several start threads using the same claims, it as if they got some chain letter and told to pass it on or have bad luck.
We all know who the sociopathic shit smear party is

Trumps LOVED base killed people and shit in their own hands so they could smear that shit all over the most honored buildings the founders built

That is who the Republican Party is

That is who their king trump LOVES AND THINKS IS SPECIAL

Trump has made cowards of the republicans. But his appeal among the masses is fascinating stuff. He doesn't give a fluck for his cult except when they are cheering his every inanity. It is comical for anyone who has read, 'The Making of Donald Trump'. The family is corrupt and yet the base follow. Weird weird stuff. Trump wins 'narcissist of the century' outperforming Mao Stalin and the more recent Kim, who he shared love letters with - you couldn't write this stuff.

'Donald Trump, Our Prophet of Deceit'
Trump has made cowards of the republicans. But his appeal among the masses is fascinating stuff. He doesn't give a fluck for his cult except when they are cheering his every inanity. It is comical for anyone who has read, 'The Making of Donald Trump'. The family is corrupt and yet the base follow. Weird weird stuff. Trump wins 'narcissist of the century' outperforming Mao Stalin and the more recent Kim, who he shared love letters with - you couldn't write this stuff.

'Donald Trump, Our Prophet of Deceit'

Trump's name is in at least 50% of the threads you start. Rent-free in your noggin, boy!

He owns you!
We call that Bullshit down here in Texas, and he piled it on deep there.

What is amazing is that someone actually spent time coming up with all the nonsense, guess everyone has to have a hobby....

The OP is the reason for the acronym TL;DR. (Too Long; Didn't Read.) lol