APP - The Democrats Kavanaugh miscalculations

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
One thing you should never do in life is respond in anger or for vengeance. It leads you to make poor decisions.

While we all know that the left is animated against Kavanaugh because they are beholden to the baby killing industry, what has really gotten to them was being outplayed on Merrick Garland. As far as the left is concerned, that is their seat. They feel robbed. And if I am honest, I can understand that. I don't think I would have been crazy about the democrat party doing the same thing. But, this is how Supreme Court politics have been played since Ted Kennedy trashed Robert Bork. I remember telling liberals that they would regret doing the things they were doing. So here we are.

So let's review a few salient facts that are indisputable.

1) Ford on her own went to the Washington Post to tell her story. She told them she wanted to remain anonymous
2) Ford went to a democrat Congresswoman with her story again claiming to want to be anonymous. She was then referred to Diane Feinstein
3) All of this was done in July
4) Ford hired a left wing lawyer in August.
5) Ford's lawyer claims she passed a polygraph in August.

Now the key fact here is that we are supposed to believe that Ford is an unwilling participant who wanted to maintain her anonymity.

But...........somehow her story leaked to The Intercept. Based on what we know, the story could have only leaked from a few places. Ford's lawyer? Feinstein? The reporter from the Washington Post? Ford herself?

Once it was out the firestorm started. Then over the weekend Ford came out as the "anonymous person". Of course her lawyer dutifully went on CNN and was asked if her client would testify in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Feel free to watch the entire 10 minutes if you like. But, the important part comes pretty quick around a half a minute in. Watch the lawyers demeanor and body language when she answers the question. Also at 5:25, she says she will release the polygraph to the Senate Judiciary Committee

She looks like the cat that ate the mouse. She doesn't name any preconditions. She answers very clearly that YES her client will testify.

My guess is that they made the calculation that the GOP would be afraid to have her come forward to testify. They thought that the GOP would be afraid of having another Arlen Spector moment especially in the age of #METOO. That is the gamble they made. They made the calculation that the GOP would panic and vote Kavanaugh through and they would have a potent talking point heading into the mid terms

They never intended for her to testify. All they were trying to do was peel off two of four GOP Senators (Jeff Flake, Bob Corker, Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski). They thought they had it made when Jeff Flake dutifully stepped forward and said he wouldn't vote to confirm without her testifying before the Senate.

But, Senator Grassley threw them a major curve ball. He took them up on their offer to testify.

As soon as that happened, they went into serious panic mode and now here we are. They no longer want to testify. They have all these preconditions.

Here are the questions that she did not want to answer under oath

1) Dr. Ford if you wanted to remain anonymous, why did you go to the Washington Post in July?
2) Dr. Ford, if you wanted to remain anonymous, why did you go to your democrat member of Congress?
3) Dr. Ford, why did you scrub your social media presence prior to coming forward? Were you hiding yoga classes and wedding plans?
4) Dr. Ford, why did you hire a lawyer in August if you never intended to come forward?
5) Dr. Ford, why did you take a polygraph in August if you never intended to come forward? Who was that polygraph for?
6) Dr. Ford, who is paying your legal fees?
7) Dr. Ford, have you ever attended any anti Trump rallies?
8) Dr. Ford, why is there a discrepancy between what your therapist wrote and what you claim happened on that night?
9) Can we interview your therapist?
10) Can we interview your husband?

No way she wanted to answer any of those questions under oath. So now they are attempting to walk this back with bogus preconditions that were never asked for on Monday when they confidently stated that she would testify in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

The democrats have totally overplayed their hand. They counted on Flake, Corker, Collins and Murkowski to sabotage Kavanaugh. That is what they wanted. But unfortunately for them, they have left them hang out to dry.

Flake and Corker would love to derail this nomination not as an FU to Kavanaugh because I think if it were any Republican President they would be all over him. But, they hate Trump. And my guess is one of McShamnesty's dying requests was for Flake to stick it to Trump with this pick the way McShamnesty stuck it to Trump with Obamacare.

Here is the miscalculation. With Ford not coming forward, none of the four have a plausible argument for voting against Kavanaugh. Flake and Corker are part of the establishment GOP and they both believe that they have a future post Trump. If they derail Kavanaugh without good reason, their political careers are over. Kaput. They might as well become democrats. Collins and Murkowski would probably love to vote against him too, but they aren't stupid and they still have to face their voters.

So the democrat party miscalculated BIG LEAGUE on this one.

The other way this was botched was that by agreeing to come forward and testify publicly in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee, the inadvertently gave GOP Senators cover from answering uncomfortable questions like "Do you believe Dr. Ford?". Anytime they are asked that question, all they have to say is we would love for her to come forward and tell her story as she agreed to do.

I am actually amazed at how well the GOP has handled this. Maybe they are finally learning. I was sure (and so were the democrats) that someone would step in it and come across as criticizing her or implying she was a liar. Nobody has done that. And the biggest surprise to the libs is Trump. He has handled this masterfully. There is ZERO they can criticize him for on this. I am sure they thought he would launch into some tweet storm that they could use politically.

But, now they are boxed into a corner of their own making. There is no way that Ford can come forward and testify now. She has until Friday morning, then it is time to vote.

I guess after seeing the democrat party run this play over and over and over again, the GOP finally figured out a way to stop it. But, to be fair, the democrats committed a lot of unforced errors.
excellent write up and analysis, you are dead on. And yes, trump once again as master of 3d chess surprised democrats and everyone by employing the rope-a-dope strategy. Next week we go in for the kill.
excellent write up and analysis, you are dead on. And yes, trump once again as master of 3d chess surprised democrats and everyone by employing the rope-a-dope strategy. Next week we go in for the kill.

you have all three branches of government, this should not be hard
you have all three branches of government, this should not be hard

sadly the deepstate gets in the way a lot, and then you have the rinos fucking shit up, and democrats are anti american. republicans voted yes on the communists sotomyor and kagan. they were respectable even with ideological enemies. republicans never get the same in return from democrats. democrats are evil anti american