APP - The democrats plan on stealing the election with mail in ballots


They are using democrat secretaries of states in swing states to mail out millions upon millions of ballots. They will not verify one signature on those ballots.

On election night, Trump will win in a landslide

And then like the five republican seats in California, day by day the democrats will know how many ballots they need to steal the election and they will magically appear. And of course this will end up in court and likely all the way to the Supreme Court

If you are invested in the stock market, I would suggest getting into cash soon

Under no circumstances will the democrat party allow this to be a free and fair election
They are using democrat secretaries of states in swing states to mail out millions upon millions of ballots. They will not verify one signature on those ballots.

On election night, Trump will win in a landslide

And then like the five republican seats in California, day by day the democrats will know how many ballots they need to steal the election and they will magically appear. And of course this will end up in court and likely all the way to the Supreme Court

If you are invested in the stock market, I would suggest getting into cash soon

Under no circumstances will the democrat party allow this to be a free and fair election

Pure Goebbels. Trumpers hate truth and reality.
They are using democrat secretaries of states in swing states to mail out millions upon millions of ballots. They will not verify one signature on those ballots.

On election night, Trump will win in a landslide

And then like the five republican seats in California, day by day the democrats will know how many ballots they need to steal the election and they will magically appear. And of course this will end up in court and likely all the way to the Supreme Court

If you are invested in the stock market, I would suggest getting into cash soon

Under no circumstances will the democrat party allow this to be a free and fair election

Here is another theory

That is what I am saying

That is why you see the leftists planting these "Trump won't leave the White House" stories

It is also why they are planting the anti military stories in The Atlantic.

They all tie together. They want to turn the military against Trump. They couldn't pull the soft coup now they are going full on military coup. They will stop at nothing. Trump is the biggest existential threat to globalists we have seen in decades. Even bigger than Reagan. As great as Reagan was, he was still an institutionalist

I do fear that this election will come down to John Roberts