The descent of man


New member
1. These are the generations of man. In the beginning was deoxyribonucleic acid which begat more deoxyribonucleic acid, like unto itself.

2. And Lo, there were rays from the heavens, and mutation came to pass. And the deoxyribonucleic acid begat unicellular organisms, which we call prokaryotes. And there was variation amongst them, and competition, so that some thrived; but others vanished from the earth, which we call natural selection.

3. And prokaryotes multiplied upon the face of the earth: the true bacteria and also the mitochondria and the chloroplasts; and the archaebacteria. And the mitochondria and chloroplasts knew the prokaryotes, and they cleaved to one another. And together they begat the eukaryotes, which were nucleated cells. But the prokaryotes are the inheritors of the earth to this day.


8. But also the bilateria begat the deuterostomes, whose anus is created through gastrulation before its mouth. And the deuterostomes are also in the likeness of worms. And we are of the deuterostomes, because when we are newly formed in our mothers’ wombs, yea, our anuses are open even before our mouths.

Note: that explains pmp, grind the fake libertarian and 3d, who have been thread banned. :)

The author continues the lineage to man in this biblical style.
So we were proteins created by lightning and existing an a volcanic, acidic, Venus-like planet who had the good fortune to get a shiny bubble protecting us? We were prions mutated!:awesome:

I like this piece overall, but I wouldn't call it biblical... Perhaps a farce. Not even a book name.
So we were proteins created by lightning and existing an a volcanic, acidic, Venus-like planet who had the good fortune to get a shiny bubble protecting us? We were prions mutated!:awesome:

I like this piece overall, but I wouldn't call it biblical... Perhaps a farce. Not even a book name.

"We"? What? Is that your problem? You need a creation story with characters to which you can relate?

Of course, the style is similar to that found in the bible. That was his stated intent.
"We"? What? Is that your problem? You need a creation story with characters to which you can relate?

Of course, the style is similar to that found in the bible. That was his stated intent.

'We' is life. If we are in fact descended from these lipid bubbles, and so is everything else, then 'We' are all family.

Say, what book is that a mockery of?
The Descent of Man - Charles Darwin
The Ascent of Man by Jacob Bronowski

I preferred the latter....
'We' is life. If we are in fact descended from these lipid bubbles, and so is everything else, then 'We' are all family.

Say, what book is that a mockery of?

"We" is an attempt to obscure the many intermediaries. You are attempting to dismiss the science based on the obvious impossibility of imagining ones self as DNA. But that is just a silly and self centered attempt to put yourself into the story.

Mockery... you creationists sure are "thenthitve." I would say it is similar to what is found in Gen 5 or 10. It's obvious the author did not intend to go into detail about the how, which your questions relate to, but just intended to lay out the chain of descent.
I'm not a creationist, I just don't make the silly assumption of believing a theory is undisputable fact.
I'm not a creationist, I just don't make the silly assumption of believing a theory is undisputable fact.

Of course, you are a creationist, yurt.

What "undisputable" fact are you talking about? There has been no mention of any in this thread.
I prefer the name Sched 1.

And the Book of Numbers was the first thing that went through my head, followed by Leviticus.
Of course, you are a creationist, yurt.

What "undisputable" fact are you talking about? There has been no mention of any in this thread.

No way Prof. This peon is NOT yurt. It is yurt like in some ways, but regrettably is a far lower form of life than even yurt.
I prefer the name Sched 1.

And the Book of Numbers was the first thing that went through my head, followed by Leviticus.

That's cool, yurt, but obviously you are not as familiar with the bible as I am. The "these are the generations" language is used repeatedly and first in Genesis. Still, yeah, you could say it is similar to Numbers too.
No way Prof. This peon is NOT yurt. It is yurt like in some ways, but regrettably is a far lower form of life than even yurt.

You think? Maybe you are right. He just reminds me of him, constantly trying to find some insignificant thing to argue and ignoring the general point.
That's cool, yurt, but obviously you are not as familiar with the bible as I am. The "these are the generations" language is used repeatedly and first in Genesis. Still, yeah, you could say it is similar to Numbers too.
I totally forgot that that one passage makes the whole farce. And tell the moron to stop using you as a proxy. Ignore means just that.
I totally forgot that that one passage makes the whole farce. And tell the moron to stop using you as a proxy. Ignore means just that.

You should use a dictionary or maybe take a class. It's not a farce. It is written in the same literary style as the relevant biblical passages.

You first denied that and then oddly said it reminds you of Numbers. But the same sort of family tree stuff shows up repeatedly in Genesis and since it is starting from the beginning I noted those. Anyway, I am not sure what you are attempting to argue anymore and I don't think you are either. But since you have a pathological need...
I'm not really sure what you are arguing me on. Look at my first post. I even complimented the article as entertaining. I have no issue with our difference of opinion.
I'm not really sure what you are arguing me on. Look at my first post. I even complimented the article as entertaining. I have no issue with our difference of opinion.

Well, as long as you are willing to admit it's an undisputable fact as pmp, the fake atheist/libertarian grind and 3d admit it and that they are gaping deuterostomes.
You think? Maybe you are right. He just reminds me of him, constantly trying to find some insignificant thing to argue and ignoring the general point.
I agree with your points, yet yurt, as irritating as he was, actually had something to offer. He wasn't stupid, just damaged in some attention whoring way. This shit bag is just a child, and a poorly informed one with an overly inflated sense of self knowledge.

By the way, Piss cup, you don't get to give me directions. I will ignore you or not as I see fit.
I agree with your points, yet yurt, as irritating as he was, actually had something to offer. He wasn't stupid, just damaged in some attention whoring way. This shit bag is just a child, and a poorly informed one with an overly inflated sense of self knowledge.

By the way, Piss cup, you don't get to give me directions. I will ignore you or not as I see fit.

Yurt had something to offer? I guess I missed that part.
Yurt had something to offer? I guess I missed that part.

In my opinion, in a legal discussion, yes. His legal opinions were almost always correct.
His habit of treating other posters as if they were hostile witnesses though, was tiresome to say the least and he was ridiculously persistent.