The difference between common sense and blabber mouthed bullshit


New member
Common sense - Treat others how you want to be treated.

Blabber mouthed bullshit - you buying something a little overly useful sounds like a "stupid advertisement"..

Common sense -. I did for my country, what Did, if I paid for my country, because one day you may need it, like the millions who today already do need it.

Blabber mouthed bullshit -. There's no such thing a free lunch..

Common sense - Mind your own business.

Blabber mouthed bullshit - Ban abortion.

Common sense - drop the fucking gun.

Blabber mouthed bullshit - put guns in classrooms.

Common sense -. I did for my country, what I Did, is I paid for my country, because one day you may need it, like the millions who today already do need it.

-typo fixed
Boston is a shitville full of Irish cat lick drunks that never did a damn thing for America.. and New Fag I mean Jew York or whatever the fuck they call it is full of wallstreet fat cat crooks.
So fuck you asshole
Boston is a shitville full of Irish cat lick drunks that never did a damn thing for America.. and New Fag I mean Jew York or whatever the fuck they call it is full of wallstreet fat cat crooks.
So fuck you asshole

I can't actually argue with you on your assessment of Boston and NY but Philly is worse, faggot.